Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Where can I find the bank account number and the reference?

You can find the correct payment details in MyTax or on your tax decision. You need the following information for paying taxes:

  • the amount of the tax and the due date
  • the Tax Administration's bank account number
  • the reference number for the type of taxes you are paying

The Tax Administration’s bank account numbers are not listed on

How to find bank account numbers and reference numbers in MyTax

  1. Log in to MyTax.
  2. On the home page, click the Paying taxes and payment details link under Payment status.
  3. Select See payment details to see the reference number of each tax type and the Tax Administration bank account numbers. If you want to pay a tax that is not shown on the page, go to Payment details for other taxes.
  4. Copy the payment details yourself or use the virtual barcode. The virtual barcode is a series of numbers that you can copy from MyTax and paste to the virtual barcode field when paying the tax in your e-bank. The virtual barcode specifies the recipient’s bank account number, the due date, the reference number, and the amount payable.
  5. Pay your taxes to the Tax Administration’s bank accounts in Danske Bank or Nordea. The payment recipient is “Verohallinto” (Finnish Tax Administration).

Go to MyTax

You can also pay taxes as online payments in MyTax. See the instructions: How to pay taxes in MyTax.

If you cannot use MyTax, you can check the correct payment details by calling our service number on 029 497 026.

Whenever you pay taxes, you must enter a reference number

The Tax Administration has bank accounts in Danske Bank and Nordea. It is not enough to just state the bank account number. You must also enter the reference number. This is necessary, so your payment can be matched with the right tax. Every taxpayer has a personalised reference number. Correspondingly, every type of tax has their own reference number. Your reference numbers remain the same.

Please add the bank reference number to all your payments. Enter it in the “reference number” field. If there is no reference number field, or if you cannot enter the reference in the field, write the reference in the message field.

Tax payments at service points of the Tax Administration

Additionally, you can pay taxes in cash, by bank card or credit card at some service points of the Tax Administration. There is no service fee. If you come to the service point, bring along the reference numbers that concern the tax you are paying. You can see the numbers on your tax decision or in MyTax.

We recommend that you bring exact change. If you pay with coins, please note that we do not accept more than 50 coins at a time. If you pay with a credit card, the following cards are accepted: Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Diners and Discover.

You can pay taxes at the following service points:

Taxpayers' cash payments and card payments are accepted up to 15:00 (3 pm) at service points.

In the Åland Islands, the State Office of Åland offers cashier services for tax payment free of charge.

Page last updated 1/1/2025