The financial sector and taxation
This page contains up-to-date information for operators in the financial sector, such as account operators, intermediaries, insurance companies and investment companies. Read more about operators in the financial sector.
Finnish Tax Administration’s detailed guidance on taxation of interest income has been updated
Sections 2.4.5 and 2.4.6 have been updated. In addition, the years mentioned in the instructions have been changed and a number of technical changes and other clarifications have been made.
EU Commission’s FASTER proposition for a Directive
The Council of the European Union reached agreement in May on an initiative that may lead to a new Directive, the FASTER (Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes). The new rules are expected to make withholding tax procedures in the EU faster and more secure for investors, financial intermediaries, and Member State tax administrations.
The proposed FASTER Directive shares many characteristics with the TRACE procedure already being used in Finland. This will make it easier for the custodians that already participate in TRACE to comply with the future requirements to be set out by the FASTER Directive when it is fully adopted.
Read more about the FASTER initiative: News from the Council of the European Union.
Newsletter for the financial sector
The newsletter contains updates on tax-related issues relevant to operators in the financial sector.
Register of Authorised Intermediaries
Financial sector — other pages
- Companies active in the financial sector and their fiscal responsibilities
- Nominee-registered shares
- Paying dividends
- Applications for tax-at-source refunds and tax-at-source cards
- Taxes in connection with payments of royalties and compensation for use
- Value-added tax
- Insurance Premium Taxation
- Contact - financial sector