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How do I pay car tax?

This guidance concerns both individual and corporate taxpayers.

When the Tax Administration has processed your car tax return, you will receive a car tax decision in MyTax. The decision also includes payment information: the account number, the reference number, the amount of car tax and the due date. Check the estimated processing times for car tax returns.

Please note that every payer has a unique taxpayer-specific reference number for car tax. Use the reference number for car tax to make sure your payment is used for car tax.

If you pay the tax in MyTax, the payment details are pre-populated on the payment template in you e-bank. In MyTax, however, the date of payment is always the current date and it cannot be changed.

Go to MyTax

Your payment may arrive in the Tax Administration’s bank account on the next work day or with a few days’ delay.

After you have paid the tax, you will receive a message in MyTax within the next 1 or 2 days saying that you can register the vehicle.

If you are a registered filer of car tax, you do not need a separate registration permission to register a vehicle. Read more about filing car tax.

When is the due date of car tax?

The due date of car tax is the 24th day of the month. The period between the car tax decision and the due date is always at least 2 weeks. The due date is the next 24th day after 14 days have passed from the date of decision.

Example: A car tax decision is made on 2 April 2025. On 16 April 2025, two weeks (14 days) have passed from the date of decision. The due date of car tax is 24 April 2025.

Example: A car tax decision is made on 12 June 2025. On 26 June 2025, two weeks (14 days) have passed from the date of decision. The due date of car tax is 24 July 2025.

If the due date is postponed because you have filed the car tax return late, you may have to pay late-payment interest. You can see the amount of late-payment interest in the tax decision. 

Vehicle import companies, for example, can request to become registered filers of car tax.

The due date of car tax is usually the 24th day of the month following the car tax period. If the 24th day is not a banking day, the due date is the next banking day.

Example: Pay the car tax for May's car tax period by 24 June.

If the Tax Administration makes a decision no more than one week before the normal due date (max. 7 days before the due date), the due date is postponed by a month.

Example: The Tax Administration makes a decision on a registered car tax filer’s car tax for May's car tax period on 19 June. Because the decision was made during the 7-day period preceding the due date (24 June 2025), the due date will be postponed by one month. The new due date of the car tax is 24 July 2025.

If the due date is postponed because you have filed the car tax return late, you must pay late-payment interest.

Page last updated 1/1/2025