Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

How to log in to MyTax and other e-services

You must log in to be able to take care of your tax matters in our e-services.

Use mobile certificate, certificate card, mobile application or your online banking codes

Log in to MyTax or our other e-services by using

  • a mobile certificate
  • a certificate card, i.e. your electronic identity card
  • the mobile application
  • your online banking codes.

See further instructions below for specific situations.

When you take care of your own or your company’s tax matters, you can log in with mobile certificate, certificate card, the application or your online banking codes if you are

  • a private individual
  • a business operator or self-employed individual
  • an operator of a farm or forestry enterprise.

After logging in to MyTax, select Manage your tax matters.

You can log in with mobile certificate, certificate card, the application or your online banking codes if you are using MyTax on behalf of

  • your child who is under 18
  • another person who has granted you a authorisation for the purpose.

After logging in to MyTax, select Act on behalf of someone else.

There are certain situations where the guardian of an underaged child cannot use MyTax on the child’s behalf or needs a authorisation to do so. Read more about these exceptions in the instructions for authorisations, under the header Private individuals.

More information about authorisations

You can log in with mobile certificate, certificate card, the application or your online banking codes if you are using MyTax on behalf of your own company or organisation.

In addition, you must have a right to sign for the company or organisation based on the role marked for you in the Trade Register or the Register of Associations. You have such a right if you hold one of the following roles in a limited company, housing company, cooperative, general partnership, limited partnership, or association:

  • Managing Director, Managing Director’s substitute, or Deputy Managing Director
  • Chair of the Board
  • member of the Board with the right to sign for the company or organisation alone
  • liquidator
  • building manager or full-time building manager
  • self-employed business operator (registration as private trader in the Business Information System is enough)
  • general partner
  • holder of procuration
  • auditor
  • other individual with the right to sign for the company or organisation alone

After logging in to MyTax, select Act on behalf of a company.

You can log in to MyTax with mobile certificate, certificate card, the application or your online banking codes. If you use MyTax on behalf of a company or organisation but you do not have the right to sign for them, you will need a authorisation granted by one of the following:

  • company (limited companies, housing companies and real estate companies)
  • foundation or association
  • public organisation (such as municipalities and parishes)
  • partnership (such as agricultural, forestry and business partnerships)
  • death estate with a Business ID
  • benefit under joint administration.

After logging in to MyTax, select Act on behalf of a company.

More information about authorisations

There may be situations where, for instance, your job requires you to make a one-time report or request for information related to another person’s, company’s or organisation’s tax matters. In such a situation, you can log in to MyTax with mobile certificate, certificate card, the application your online banking codes without a authorisation. These situations include filing the real estate agent’s or securities broker’s transfer tax return, submitting annual information returns or deeds of estate inventory, or making information requests. Read more about reporting and requesting information in a limited scope

After logging in to MyTax, select Report or request information in a limited scope.

Please note: When you submit information through this functionality, the details you submit will not be connected in any way to your personal tax matters and you will not be able to later access them in MyTax alongside your personal tax details.

Identification methods for foreign individuals

If you are a representative of a foreign company, you will need the Finnish Authenticator app and a authorisation to use MyTax. EU citizens will be able to use eIDAS identification for a limited range of functionalities.

Finnish Authenticator is an identification method for foreign companies’ representatives who do not have a Finnish identification method and who need to use MyTax or other e-services.

You will also need a authorisation to be able to use the e-services on the behalf of a foreign company.

After logging in to MyTax, select Act on behalf of a company. In certain cases, you can also select Report or request information in a limited scope, which will allow you to access MyTax on someone else’s behalf in a limited scope without a authorisation.

Read more about reporting and requesting information in a limited scope authorisations for tax matters – how to grant and request authorisation


Individuals and companies from other EU countries can access a limited range of MyTax functionalities with eIDAS identification. You can use an ID issued by your country for eIDAS identification, if the ID in question has been notified to the EU commission and recognised by Finland.

In future, more functionalities will be made available.

eIDAS is an EU regulation designed to ensure up-to-date and internationally admissible standards of digital identity verification.

Read more about eIDAS at the European Commission’s website

Verifying the safety and reliability of other EU countries’ identification methods

Before an identification method is accepted for use in the eIDAS network, each EU country must have their identification scheme notified by the European Commission. The scheme’s details are published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The identification method must then be notified within 12 months. A peer review process verifies that each country's identification tool meets the required security level and can be trusted across state borders.

Not all identification methods of all eIDAS countries are notified at the same time. The notification process will be carried out gradually in the next few years as different eIDAS countries and providers of identification tools join the process.

List of EU countries with notified eIDs

Frequently asked questions

To get online banking codes you must sign an agreement with your bank. Note that only personal online banking codes enable you to log in to our e-services.

A mobile certificate is an identifier in your mobile phone’s SIM card. 

If the mobile certificate is in an employee’s business phone, it is not regarded as taxable income for the employee. If the certificate is in the employee’s private phone and is used for business purposes, the employer must give the employee a tax-exempt reimbursement for the expense against a receipt.

Read more about the mobile certificate at

A certificate card is an ID card containing a citizen certificate or an organisation card containing an organisation certificate. ID cards are issued by the police, whereas organisation cards are issued by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. 

If the employer acquires an ID card for an employee, the card is regarded as taxable earned income for the employee. An organisation card, on the other hand, is not regarded as taxable income. If the employer has bought a card reader and it will remain in the employer’s use, the reader is not regarded as a taxable benefit for the employee.

Read more about certificate cards on the Digital and Population Data Services Agencys website: Certificates and cards for organisations is an electronic method of identification. It is a mobile application that utilises the information on your certificate card. is a part of identification.

Read more about on

Page last updated 12/17/2024