How to file income from field rental in MyTax

Income from field rental is agricultural income. If you have rented out a field you own, you must report the rental income on the tax return for agriculture.

If the field is owned by an estate with a Business ID or by a partnership, for example, file the tax return for agriculture in its name. In that case, you will need a authorisation for e-filing.

Read more: Do I need to file a VAT return if I rent out a field?

How to find the tax return for agriculture

  • You are on the tab called Your tax types. Find the Individual income tax section – or the Income tax for partnerships section if you are filing a tax return on behalf of an agricultural partnership.

    Select File tax return for agriculture under Tax year 2024.

  • Individual taxpayers, please note: If no direct link to the tax return for agriculture appears, select Tax returns and tax information under Tax year 2024.

  • Make sure you have selected the right year. Then click the link Tax return for agricultural operations.

How to file rental income from renting out a field

  1. The tax return has 5 stages. You can see them in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.


    Check that your details are correct.

  2. Income

    Select I am filing details in the Income stage. Then scroll down

  3. Go to VAT-exempt subsidies and compensation and other VAT-exempt income (e.g. income from field rental). Click Yes.

    Enter the income from field rental in Other VAT-exempt income.

  4. Expenses and reserves

    If you have had agricultural expenses, report the information in this stage. Select Yes in the appropriate section and enter the details.

    If you have no agricultural expenses to report, select I am not filing details in the Expenses and reserves stage.

  5. Calculation of net worth

    Here you can check that the information in the calculation of net worth is correct.

  6. Preview and send

    Recheck the details. Click Edit to make corrections.

    When all the details are correct, submit the tax return.

Page last updated 1/23/2023