Tax credit for household expenses interfaces

Tax credit for household expenses Vero API interfaces are meant for reporting tax credit information to Tax Administration in real-time. The interfaces can be used to report information on behalf of individual customers who have ordered work from a company which can be claimed for the tax credit or when a household has hired an employee to do work in their home that can be claimed for the tax credit. The interfaces can be integrated into a software and reporting the information can be built as part of the company’s other business activities.

There are two different interfaces for reporting tax credit for household expenses that have different use cases:

  • Household Expenses Reporting for Companies. This API is intended for companies that perform household work to submit information about tax credit for household expenses based on the company's invoice on behalf of their customer, who ordered and paid for the work.
  • Household Expenses Reporting for Employee Wages. This API is intended to submit information about wages and employer’s contributions an individual (employer) paid another individual (employee) for performing household work in order to request tax credit for household expenses.

Read more about the tax credit for household expenses from page. The page has instructions, for example what kind of work can be claimed for the tax credit. You can also use the page to research use cases and benefits for the interfaces.

Benefits for the user of the interface and for the customer

  • The user of the interface, either a software company or a service provider can use the interface to develop and improve their own products and services. The interface integration connects the company’s own business activities and reporting of the tax credit seamlessly.
  • The user of the interface will be able use the value the end-customers gain from the interfaces, in their own marketing.
  • Using of the interface makes ordering of work, which is tax credit claimable, beneficial for the end-customer.
  • The end-customer, an individual does not need to report the tax credit in OmaVero by themselves. This is beneficial especially is situations where the work which can claimed for tax credit, is done regularly, for example in every week.

Use cases:

Home care services: The user of the interface is a company which provides home care services. The company is using a software, which is used to manage different activities in the company’s business, such as: billing, customer management and managing orders. The software has an integration developed for the Report tax credit for household expenses -interface, which is used to report the end-customer’s, individuals’ who have purchased home care services, tax credit information directly to Tax Administration. The use of the interface is built as part of the software’s other functions. It is typical, that the billing and the service itself are continuous in the home care services that the company is providing. In a continuous service, it is easier for the end-customer that the tax credit information is reported to Tax Administration automatically. It also reduces the burden for managing their own tax affairs.

Cleaning services: The user of the interface is a company which provides home cleaning services. The company is using a software, which is used to manage different activities in the company’s business, such as: billing, customer management and managing orders. The software has an integration developed for the Report tax credit for household expenses -interface, which is used to report the end-customer’s, individuals’ who have purchased home cleaning services, tax credit information directly to Tax Administration. The use of the interface is built as part of the software’s other functions. It is typical, that the billing and the service itself are continuous in the home cleaning services that the company is providing. In a continuous service, it is easier for the end-customer that the tax credit information is reported to Tax Administration automatically. It also reduces the burden for managing their own tax affairs.

Renovation services: The user of the interface is a company which provides home renovation services. The company is using a software, which is used to manage different activities in the company’s business, such as: billing, customer management and managing orders. The software has an integration developed for the Report tax credit for household expenses -interface, which is used to report the end-customer’s, individuals’ who have purchased home cleaning services, tax credit information directly to Tax Administration. The use of the interface is built as part of the software’s other functions. Renovation services are purchased either regularly or as a one-time-order. Use of the interface is still beneficial for the renovation company because it can improve the company’s overall services to be more comprehensive for the customer. The tax credit information is reported to Tax administration on behalf of the end-customers automatically and the customers do not have to report the information in OmaVero by themselves.

Billing and payroll services: The user of the interface is a company which provides billing and payroll services. The company has a software in use which is used by other individual persons and companies to manage billing and payroll affairs. A household which has hired an employee to do work in their own home which can be claimed for tax credit, can use the software to pay the employee’s salary and report the other statutory charges, such as pension insurance contributions directly to Tax administration. The household can claim tax credit for household expenses from the salary it has paid and from other the statutory changes. The software has an integration developed for the Report tax credit for household expenses -interface, which is used to report the tax credit information directly to the Tax Administration on behalf of the household. The use of the interface is built as part of the software’s other functions. The use of the interface makes the service which the company is providing more comprehensive and reduces the burden for households in managing their own tax affairs. The household doesn’t have to report the tax credit information in OmaVero. Instead, the information is reported on their behalf though the software.

Page last updated 2/28/2024