Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Tax Administration interface services Vero API and ApitamoPKI

The Tax Administration has two interface services, the real-time interface Vero API and ApitamoPKI. Vero API interfaces are currently being developed, and they will cover more tax matters in the future.

  • Vero API interfaces are published on the page Vero API -

  • ApitamoPKI is a more extensive interface that allows the electonic filing of most returns and reports requested by the Tax Administration. Filings that can be made and received through ApitamoPKI can be found in the service:

Certificate-based authentication services Vero API, ApitamoPKI

The certificate service administers public keys and allows users access to the Vero API and ApitamoPKI interfaces.

In order to use certificate services knowledge of PKI-technologies is required.

Specific instructions for ordering certificates are available on our website Vero API and ApitamoPKI.

Page last updated 10/28/2024