Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Test and develop in the testing environment

Software developers can request a testing certificate from the Tax Administration’s certificate service to test ApitamoPKI interfaces (APIs). The certificate allows you to test the reporting and receiving of data in the testing environment. Testing allows you to ensure that data can be reported and received as planned before you request a production certificate.

The Tax Administration’s certificate service is an e-service where you can manage your organisation’s API rights and certificates.

API access request and testing certificate

Request API access for testing and a testing certificate in the Testing certificates section of the Tax Administration’s certificate service.

  • 1

    Log in to the service

  • The Testing certificates section of the Tax Administration’s certificate service is for requesting API access and testing certificates needed in testing

    Identify yourself with your online banking codes, mobile certificate or certificate card. You do not need a authorisation.

    • When you log in for the first time, enter your email address and telephone number.
    • You will receive a message asking you to confirm your email address. You can continue to the service after you have confirmed the address.
  • 2

    Request API access for testing

  • Select ApitamoPKI from the Tax Administration APIs and enter the information requested by the service.

  • 3

    Request a testing certificate

  • Select “Request a new testing certificate” in the e-service and enter the information requested by the service.

  • 4

    The testing certificate is retrieved by a technical contact person

  • A technical contact person is responsible for retrieving the certificate and adding the certificate content to the software

    Once you have submitted a certificate request, the technical contact person specified in the request will receive the information required to retrieve the certificate. After this, the certificate must be retrieved within 14 days.

  • 5

    When the certificate has been retrieved

  • The API developer is responsible for adding the certificate content to the software. Without the certificate, the API will not return the data requested by the user organisation.

Read more:
The Tax Administration's certificate service
Testing Certificates

Apitamo PKI testing environment

The URL’s for accessing the test environment of ApitamoPKI:

Go back to the ApitamoPKI page

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Page last updated 2/10/2025