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Certificates for the production environment

Starting with the ApitamoPKI interface

First make a subscription for a certificate. After you have done that, your organisation can start using the ApitamoPKI. 

However, if the user organisation’s software application already contains a Web Service certificate, issued to data providers by the Incomes Register, there is no need for a new certificate. ApitamoPKI can be access with the certificate you already have.

To apply for a certificate for the production environment:

Submit an interface application and request a certificate in the Tax Administration’s certificate service.

  • The requesting of production certificates has been transferred on October 24, 2024, from the Incomes Register's e-service to the Finnish Tax Administration’s certificate service.
  • Review production certificates instructions for the Tax Administration's certificate service.
  • after successful retrieval, you (as the IT developer of the interface) are the party that must feed the certificate into the software program. If the certificate is not there, the interface will not return the requested answer files or other data to the user organisation.

Notes for IT developers:

  • The organisation that wants to have a certificate subscription must have an agreement on the provision of services with their customer within the meaning of the terms and conditions of interface services. You may have a software program designed for accounting firms or other third-party providers of services to taxpayers. If the users of your software are usually not taxpayers or filers, the users must submit applications for certificates.
  • After retrieval of a certificate, the commercial software vendor must give sufficient guidance to their customers, the user organisations, on how certificates must be handled when the software program is being used.
  • The user organisation’s certificate must be fed into the software program because it replaces the user organisation’s electronic signature.
  • The Tax Administration recommends that software programs are encoded so as to support certificate-based authentication and production certificates.

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Page last updated 10/24/2024