Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams. authorisations in the certificate service

You need to identify personally in the Tax Administration’s certificate service’s e-service. Log in using  a mobile certificate or a certificate card.

You can act on behalf of a company or organisation without any authorisation if you have any of the following roles in the organisation registered in the Trade Register or the Business Information System:

  • Managing director
  • Substitute for the Managing Director
  • Chairperson of the Board
  • Member of the Board
  • Liquidator
  • Building Manager
  • Full-time Building Manager
  • General partner (limited partnership)
  • Partner (general partnership)
  • Self-employed individual
  • Authorised individual, i.e. an individual authorised to sign for the company/organisation alone.

If you act in any other role, you need a authorisation to use the e-service.

This is how you can grant an authorisation

Read instructions at and check who can grant an authorisation on a company’s behalf

Go to and identify yourself in the e-Authorizations service

Grant an authorisation in the service. If you have the right to grant an authorisation on your own, the authorisation will be in effect immediately. If several people are required to grant an authorisation, it will be in effect after each of them has confirmed the authorisation in the service.

Description of authorisations

The certificate service’s e-service uses three types of authorisations.

If you want the recipient of an authorisation to take care of all your matters in the certificate service’s e-service, grant an authorisation for the following:

Submitting an interface application related to taxation, income and credit information and ordering certificates

The recipient of the authorisation can

  • apply for access to APIs or remove valid API access rights;
  • view valid API access rights and subscribed certificate data; and
  • order and retrieve certificates.

The authorisation is suitable for the certificate’s technical contact person.

If you want the recipient of the authorisation to only request and retrieve certificates, grant an authorisation for the following:

Ordering and retrieving certificates related to taxation, income and credit information

The recipient of the authorisation can

  • view valid API access rights and subscribed certificate data; and
  • order and retrieve certificates.

This authorisation is very extensive in Incomes Register matters. If you want the recipient of an authorisation to take care of all your matters in the certificate service’s e-service and in the Incomes Register, grant an authorisation for the following:

Processing log, interface and report data related to income data

In the certificate service’s e-service, the recipient of the authorisation can

  • apply for access to APIs or remove valid API access rights;
  • view valid API access rights and subscribed certificate data; and
  • order and retrieve certificates.

In the Incomes Register’s e-service, the recipient of the authorisation can

  • order and view log data;
  • view information on paid income;
  • view messages;
  • view archived documents;
  • maintain and view basic data;
  • submit and browse reports; and
  • request and view transcripts.

You cannot use the Tax Administration’s certificate service with other authorisations. Learn about the authorisations of different services:

the Tax Administration’s authorisations;

the Incomes Register’s authorisations; and

the Positive credit register’s authorisations

Page last updated 9/3/2024