Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.


The Finnish Tax Administration carries social responsibility in various ways. Our handprint can especially be seen in the area of financial sustainability.

Our key sustainability act is that we enable wellbeing in society by ensuring the revenue required for it. We help taxpayers act correctly and sustainably. 

Our activities need to be transparent and useful for the environment and society. We can have an impact on surrounding society, and here we lean on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We develop our activities so that we can be effective and have an impact. At the same time, we ensure that any negative impact we cause is as low as possible.

We develop our services in cooperation with our customers and stakeholders: we listen to our customers, aim to predict their needs, and respond to them. We act for the good of Finnish society in accordance with the central government’s shared principles. We play an active role in building and developing public services. 

Environmental agenda

Finnish Tax Administration’s ethical principles for AI

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Page last updated 3/22/2024