Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Postal addresses

All paper mail sent to the Tax Administration is digitised into an electronic format.

When you mail documents or forms to the Tax Administration, please always use the specific P.O. Box address reserved for the type of mail you are sending. This ensures that the document or form is transferred to the correct place for processing.

  • Do not mail documents to your local tax office’s address.
  • Do not include multiple documents or forms in the same envelope if they should be sent to different P.O. Boxes.

The easiest way to file tax return information is to use MyTax instead of paper forms.


Mail Tax Administration forms to the P.O. Box address given on the top of the form.

Receipts and documentation

Please do not enclose any receipts or other documents with your tax return or send them to the Tax Administration. Keep the receipts and present them only if you are requested to do so.

Response to information request

Send your response to
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 900, FI-00052 VERO.

Enclose the cover page that you received with the information request. This ensures that your response is processed by the correct tax official.

You can also respond to information requests in MyTax.

Other documents

Each type of document has its own P.O. Box address.

Documents concerning car tax and excise duties
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 20, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning individual taxation (including real estate tax and transfer tax)
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 700, FI-00052 VERO

Application documents
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 500, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning applications for refund of tax at source
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 560, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning claims for adjustment
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 650, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning self-assessed taxes
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 5000, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning inheritance and gift tax
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 760, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning annual returns
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 300, FI-00052 VERO

Documents concerning corporate taxation
Finnish Tax Administration, P.O. Box 200, FI-00052 VERO

You can order a prepaid envelope only for the purpose of mailing forms relating to your pre-completed tax return. You can get the envelope by calling our telephone service (standard call rates). You can send other forms and documents by post if you buy the envelope and cover the postal charges yourself.

What to do if you get someone else’s mail

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Page last updated 4/19/2021