Annual information return on interest and other payments, taxable under the provisions of the Act on Income Tax (TVL) (7805)
This form is for providing annual information to the Tax Administration on paid interest, secondary market compensation, and other compensation subject to taxation as provided in the act on income tax (Tuloverolaki 1535/1992 (TVL)).
You must submit the information electronically if you paid interest, compensation, etc. to at least five (5) beneficiaries.
The paper form is available for downloading in Finnish and Swedish.
Submit details in MyTax
You can file the annual information return in MyTax. After logging in to MyTax, select Report or request information in a limited scope.
Submit details through the Ilmoitin website
Guidance for annual information returns as software files — specifications of data formats
Making corrections
If you need to make corrections to any information you have sent, submit a replacement of your earlier annual information return. Only the beneficiaries whose original data was inaccurate must be included in the replacement.
For more information, see: How to make corrections to an annual information return.
If you filed the annual information return in MyTax or in the Tax Administration’s e-service, make corrections in MyTax.
- 2025 – Annual information return on interest and other payments, taxable under the provisions of the Act on Income Tax (TVL), instructions
- 2024 – Annual information return on interest and other payments, taxable under the provisions of the Act on Income Tax (TVL), instructions
- 2023 – Annual information return on interest and other payments, taxable under the provisions of the Act on Income Tax (TVL), instructions
- 2022 – Annual information return on interest and other payments, taxable under the provisions of the Act on Income Tax (TVL), instructions
The Tax Administration can use automated decision-making in the context of resolving tax matters. This means that a decision concerning your tax matter may be based on partial or full use of an automated decision-making system. Read more about automated decision-making at the Tax Administration (only in finnish).