13 Account of shareholder loans and distribution of earned and capital income for dividends (3018e)
You are required to report any amounts you have borrowed from your company if you are a shareholder and have taken a new loan, or repaid an old loan, during the tax year. Submit the amounts either in MyTax or on Form 13. If all the pre-completed information is correct, you do not need to do anything.
Shareholder loans relating to the split of dividend income between earned and capital income should also be reported on this form. This means the loans received from a nonlisted company. This form is also for reporting information on any residential use of an apartment included in the company's assets.
The pre-completed tax return 2021 - instructions for filing
If you opt for paper filing, return address is
Finnish Tax Administration
P.O. BOX 700
00052 VERO.
Download the form
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