Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Information on e-services

You can send data to the Finnish Tax Administration in different ways. While some of the e-filing services are maintained by the Tax Administration itself, some others belong to external companies. For a complete list of our e-services, go to the E-file pages.

The Tax Administration's services can always be used free-of-charge.


When you use the Tax Administration's website, you remain anonymous. We do not collect user data that would allow us to identify anyone among the users of our website.

Security of the Tax Administration's website

Scam messages

Messages that appear to come from the Finnish Tax Administration are in circulation, often asking the recipient to reveal their e-bank identifiers or credit card information. Some messages may promise a tax refund, and others contain threats or demands referring to a tax you have not paid.

Scam messages

Text messages

The Tax Administration may send you a text message to remind you of a topical matter or to ask for your feedback on our services.

Text messages sent by the Tax Administration never contain links


If you need to create a link to a specific page on, it is easier to use the shortcuts.


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Page last updated 5/27/2019