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Companies and organisations

If you pay wages, pensions or benefits, report the data to the Incomes Register.

In addition to companies, wages are paid and reported by associations, foundations, partnerships, road maintenance associations, and housing companies, among others.

Pensions and benefits are paid and reported by pension institutions, insurance institutions, Kela, and organisations employing persons in non-military service, for example.

Report your payments

The payer reports data to the Incomes Register on wages, pensions and benefits. Submit a separate report for each individual and payment.

What data do I need for reporting?

When should data be reported?

Submit reports in electronic format

You can report data directly from your payment system through an API or in the Incomes Register’s e-service.

How do I submit a report?

Sign in to the e-service

After submitting the reports

From the Incomes Register, the data is transmitted to the Finnish Tax Administration, the pension provider and the Employment Fund, for example.

Pay your employer contributions directly to these organisations in their e-services or after receiving an invoice. You will receive the required reference and account numbers for the payments directly from the organisation that collects the payment.

Check what information about different insurance policies and contributions must be reported to the Incomes Register

Check and correct if necessary

You can view the reports you have submitted in the e-service. You can also subscribe to transcripts of the data.

What transcripts can I subscribe to in the Incomes Register?

If there are errors in the data you have reported, correct the data. The Incomes Register retains the data for 10 years.

How do I correct data?

Nearly 400 organisations use the data

Authorities and organisations can only access the data in the Incomes Register that they have a right to access based on law.

Data users

With the Incomes Register, you only need to report the data once.

Detailed guidance and examples

See the detailed guidance and examples of different types of reporting situations.

Incomes Register detailed guidance

Our customer service helps you in questions related to the Incomes Register by chat and telephone.

Contact us

Page last updated 11/14/2023