Service break in the Incomes Register on 12 January from 9 pm to 15 pm. See the service break schedule.

Act as the representative of a company or an organisation

  • How to use

  • Identification

    Log in with your personal online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card.

  • Act as the representative of a company or an organisation

    Choose this role if you want to use the Incomes Register on behalf of a company or an organisation.

    You can use the service on behalf of a company or an organisation if you are its appointed representative or you have been granted a authorisation.

  • Choose the company or organisation

    The list includes all the companies and organisation on behalf of which you are authorised to use the service.

E-service functions: Companies and organisations

How to use the Incomes Register – General introduction to the e-service (In English, YouTube 5:12 min)


You can report data on wages, pensions and benefits paid to the Incomes Register on behalf of the company or organisation. If employer’s health insurance contributions must be paid for the wages, you must also submit an employer’s separate report. Report data on paid pensions and benefits with the benefits payment report.

How to use Incomes Register - Submit an earnings payment report (English subtitles, YouTube 8:00 min)

Read the instructions for filling in the earnings payment report

Read the instructions for filling in the employer’s separate report

Read the instructions for filling in the benefits payment report

Reported data

You can search for and browse reports submitted by the company. You can also correct reports or use an earlier report as a template for a new report. In addition, you can search for and browse records that have been submitted to the Incomes Register via the technical interface and the upload service.

Read the user instructions: Submitted reports

Read the user instructions: Correcting the earnings payment report and the employer’s separate report

Read the user instructions: Correcting the benefits payment report

Read the user instructions: Records sent


Browse the subscriptions you have made, order a new transcript, or make a new record subscription.

Read the user instructions: Subscriptions made – search subscriptions

Read the user instructions: Transcripts and records – new subscription


You can enable the reporting of benefits payment data. You can also add or change organisation's address.

Read the user instructions: Confirmation on the reporting of benefits payment data

Read the user instructions: Basic details

Company’s income data

View the company’s income data reported to the Incomes Register by payers. Please note that only certain income data is visible in the service. You can also request an Incomes Register extract, which includes information on payments made to the company and reported to the Incomes Register.

How to use the Incomes Register - Request an Incomes Register extract (English subtitles, YouTube, 1:42 min)

Read the user instructions: Company’s income data

Read the user instructions: Extract from the Incomes Register

Frequently asked questions

For more detailed information about different reporting situations, read the following instructions:

The ‘Earnings payment data’ section includes instructions on income types, the reporting of fringe benefits, and insurance.

Similarly, the ‘Benefits payment data’ section has instructions on reporting benefits and pensions.

In what situations do I submit an employer's separate report?

How do I correct data?

See our organisation-specific instructions:

What data do associations submit to the Incomes Register?

What data do wellbeing services counties submit to the Incomes Register?

When you buy a service or hire an employee – household as an employer

Need help with choosing a reporting method, or granting an authorisation? Read our guidance:

How do I submit a report?

How to grant an authorisation

If you need examples or more detailed instructions for reporting, see our detailed guidance:

Wages: reporting data to the Incomes Register

Mandatory and complementary data in the earnings payment report

Benefits: reporting data to the Incomes Register

All the Incomes Register´s detailed guidance

Our customer service also helps you in questions related to reporting:

Contact us

The requesting of production certificates has been transferred on October 24, 2024, from the Incomes Register's e-service to the Finnish Tax Administration’s certificate service.

In the e-service of the Tax Administration’s certificate service you can submit a new application or a replacement application for using the technical interface, apply for a new certificate, or update the contact details for the technical contact person of a certificate. You can also enable the reporting of benefits payment data.

Submit an interface application and request a certificate in the Tax Administration’s certificate service

You need a certificate if you want to submit data or retrieve data through APIs. The use of certificates requires technical skills. Agree upon tasks and procedures with your software supplier.

Read more about interfaces on the website of the software developers

Review the technical instructions of the Tax Administration’s certificate service

Also review other instructions for the Tax Administration's certificate service:

Renewal of certificate

Revoking a certificate

Page last updated 10/24/2024