Instructions for using the e-service
In the Incomes Register’s e-service, you can complete one report at a time or send the data as an XML file via the upload service. You can also view your personal income data, browse and correct submitted reports and request transcripts.
Log in to the Incomes Register
You can use different identification methods, for example personal online banking codes or a mobile certificate: How to log in e-service
If you want to use the service of behalf of another, check when you also need a authorisation.
See also the instructions how to use our services safely
Read more on the different roles and instructions for various functions:
Act as a private individual or on behalf of another individual
Act as the representative of a company or an organisation
Use technical interface to automate reporting
Many payroll and benefit software products are able to use the Incomes Register API. Via an API you can transfer reports directly from your payment system to the Incomes Register. If you make payments frequently or to a large number of income earners, using such software will make your job easier. Ask your software supplier for more information.
For example, service (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish), a free payroll service, also uses the API solution and automatically sends the necessary reports to the Incomes Register.