Large companies – sending e-mail to us
Attention begins.
To be considered a large taxpayer entity, net sales must exceed €100 million, and business is international. Additionally, all listed companies, banks and insurance companies operating in Finland as well as taxpayers registered for tonnage tax are considered large.
Attention ends
In addition to telephone service, large companies and entities have access to our services by email.
Services by email are focused on the following tax topics:
VAT, income taxes, excise taxes, employer's contributions
To obtain an answer to challenging fiscal questions, send e-mail to: suuryritysasiakkaat(a)
If your question concerns
- value added tax, add subject “VAT”
- income taxes, add “income tax”
- excise duties or taxes, add “excise”
- employer's contributions, add “employer's contributions”.
Our turnaround time for questions and answers is two or three business days.
Make sure your e-mail message contains no facts that can be regarded as insider information. The person handling taxes on the behalf of a large company must have a authorisation or the privileges to sign for the company. The Tax Administration will use a secure sign-in process to check your identity.
Transfer pricing
Latest updates on transfer pricing issues
The Tax Administration’s specially trained tax officers provide advice and can give instructions for choosing optimal procedures. You can send a question or leave a contact request message by e-mail to: siirtohinnoittelu(a)
Average turnaround time for questions is two business days.
Financial sector
Look up the latest updated information on source withholding rules and other tax withholding – the pages are primarily for:
- Businesses active in the financial sector, such as account operators, securities brokers, intermediaries, insurance and investment companies
- Companies distributing dividends, payors of interest and royalties
- Authorised intermediaries
The financial sector and taxes
If after reading our guides and detailed instructions, you still do not have a satisfactory solution to your problem, you can send an email message to: financialsector(a)
Average turnaround time for questions and answers is two business days.