Specific instructions for different occupations
Read instructions for arriving in Finland to work here: you need a tax card and/or an individual tax number. To apply for the card and the number, you need a Finnish personal identity code.
Choose the instructions best suited for your situation
Coming to a construction site or a shipyard
Researchers and teachers from other countries
Key employees from other countries
Working in a foreign diplomatic mission or in an international organisation
Au pairs from abroad arriving in Finland
Performing artists, sportsmen and athletes from other countries
Read more
Finnish personal identity codes for workers arriving in Finland
Specific instructions for different occupations — other pages
- Coming to a construction site or a shipyard
- Seasonal employees
- Leased employees
- Self-employed people
- Member of a governing body
- Researchers and teachers from other countries
- Key employees from other countries
- Performing artists, sportsmen and athletes from other countries
- Operation of ships and aircraft in international traffic
- Au pairs from abroad arriving in Finland
- Working in a foreign diplomatic mission or in an international organisation
Page last updated 6/28/2023