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Interest calculator

If you pay your taxes late, you must also pay late-payment interest. You can use this calculator to determine the amount of interest on late-payment charges that are imposed for different taxes.

You need to enter the following details to calculate the interest: due date, payment date, amount of tax, and type of tax. All these details are required. If you are not sure what information you should enter in any of the fields, click on the “i” symbol next to the field for more information. The details you enter will not be saved in the calculator or in the Tax Administration’s records. You can also calculate late-payment interest when you are paying your taxes in MyTax.

If you pay self-assessed taxes (such as employer's contributions, VAT or excise duties), income tax (such as prepayments or back taxes), inheritance tax, gift tax, real estate tax, transfer tax or car tax after the due date, you will have to pay late-payment interest. Late-payment interest is imposed on the tax as well as on all related charges, such as late-payment charges or punitive tax increase.

You cannot use the calculator to determine the amount of late-payment interest with relief. Read more about late-payment interest with relief.

Interest days are always counted from the day following the due date up to and including the payment date. For inheritance tax, the interest rate for late-payment interest is the reference rate stated in § 12 of the Interest Act plus 3.5 percentage points. For other tax types, the interest rate for late-payment interest is the reference rate stated in § 12 of the Interest Act plus 7 percentage points. Late-payment interest is imposed according to actual calendar days. Late-payment interest has no minimum amount.

Table: Interest rates in different years

Rates of late-payment interest during 2017–2025.
Interest period Interest rate
2025 8 (inheritance tax) or 11.5 (other tax types)
2024 7.5 (inheritance tax) or 11 (other tax types)
2017–2023 7

The number of interest days is the actual number of days in the calendar month or year. For example, September has 30 interest days, and October has 31. There are 365 interest days in a year, or 366 in a leap year. Years 2022–2023 and 2025 have 365 interest days each, but 2024 has 366.

The amount of late-payment interest is calculated with the following formula:

(interest days × interest rate × amount of tax) / 365 (or 366) × 100%

Late-payment interest is calculated in euros and cents.

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Page last updated 11/18/2024