Testing contact form Report additional testing details to the Incomes Register With this form, you can report additional testing details and changes or submit test records and identifiers to the Incomes Register. Stakeholder testing of the Incomes Register requires acceptance of the terms and conditions of use for the testing environment. The terms and conditions can be accepted at the end of the form. With the contact form, you cannot report testing observations; these must be reported using the stakeholder testing observation form. Instructions for filling in the testing contact form (pdf)Contact concerns testing -- Select an option -- As a provider of earnings payment data As a user of earnings payment data As a provider of benefits payment data As a user of benefits payment data As a user of earnings and benefits payment data Reason for contact -- Select an option -- Ordering an Excel tool for submitting test records (wages) Ordering an Excel tool for submitting test records (benefits) Additional order of test IDs (enter a more detailed description) Agreeing on the testing of extensive records Updating the details of the testing contact person Submitting test records to the Incomes Register Submitting test IDs to the Incomes Register Adding a new testing channel (enter a more detailed description) End of testing More or other reasons (enter a more detailed description) Testing organisation’s details:Name of organisation Organisation’s Business ID Sender of contact form Telephone number Email address Artificial Business ID used in testing More detailed description of the reason for contact Attachment Accepting the terms and conditions and submitting the form Our organisation accepts the terms and conditions of using the Incomes Register’s testing environment and commits to complying with them. Submit Your opinion is important to us After the Incomes Register has dealt with your request, you receive the answer in an e-mail message. You can give feedback about our services. We gather the feedback through the HappySignals page. Page last updated 5/11/2022