Certificate service
You need a certificate if you want to submit data or retrieve data through technical interfaces (APIs). The technical interface means an integration built between different systems, for example, between payroll software and the Incomes Register.
Certificates are used to identify and authenticate the organisations that use an interface to report or retrieve data. They are also used to verify the integrity of records. The solution is based on digital certificates (Public Key Infrastructure).
Typical users of APIs are accounting firms and employer companies. The use of interfaces and certificates requires technical skills. Agree upon tasks and procedures with your software supplier.
Request production certificates from the Tax Administration's certificate service
The requesting of production certificates has been transferred on October 24, 2024, from the Incomes Register's e-service to the Finnish Tax Administration’s certificate service.
Also review other instructions for the Tax Administration's certificate service:
Test certificates will be transferred to the Tax Administration's certificate service in December
The Incomes Register's technical interface and certificate can be tested before deployment. The testing takes place in the Incomes Register's stakeholder testing environment.
Read more about stakeholder testing
Read more about the documentation on testing certificates
Data delivery and distribution
You can find the interface descriptions related to the submission and distribution of Incomes Register earnings and benefits payment data, and the related application guidelines on the documentation page.