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Report guardian’s fees to the Incomes Register

You can receive guardian’s fees if you act as a guardian or a donee of a continuing power of attorney.

As guardian, you are responsible for the financial affairs of the person whose rights and interests you are overseeing, i.e. your client.

As a donee of a continuing power of attorney, you can manage the financial affairs of the person who has issued you a continuing power of attorney, provided that they have given you the right to do so.

Read more about guardians and donees of lasting powers of attorney on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency website

When you receive a fee or reimbursement of expenses for acting as a guardian, you must report it to the Incomes Register. The fee is considered non-wage compensation for work for you (income type 336 in the Incomes Register).

Please note that as a guardian, you cannot receive any tax-exempt reimbursement of expenses such as daily and kilometre allowances. This means that you need to include any reimbursements of expenses in the amount of non-wage compensation for work. Include also reimbursements that have paid to you based on a receipt in the amount of non-wage compensation for work, e.g. travel tickets and accommodation expenses and parking fees paid during business trips.

Because the fee is non-wage compensation for work, you do not need to submit the employer’s separate report.

See also the Finnish Tax Administration’s instructions for guardians:

Tax matters of trustees and principals: tax card, paying the amount withheld, account number and reference number

Report your guardian’s fee to the Incomes Register in electronic format

Report the data in the Incomes Register’s e-service by the 5th day of the month following the payment month.

Report the guardian’s fee to the Incomes Register using a paper form

If you are unable to use the e-service, you may submit the data on a paper form. Report the data on a paper form by the 8th day of the month following the payment month.

You can have letters sent from the Incomes Register to your address

If your paper form includes any incorrect or insufficient information, a notification will be sent from the Incomes Register by letter. By default, the letter will be sent to the principal’s address, because the principal pays your fee.

You can replace the principal’s address with your address, for example. Once you have changed the address, all letters will be sent from the Incomes Register to this address.

Frequently asked questions

Page last updated 8/14/2024