Private individuals can authorise another person or company to browse their income data

Every income earner can only see their own income data in the Incomes Register's e-service. If they so desire, income earners can also authorise another person or company to act on their behalf in the Incomes Register.

If you have previously authorised somebody to act on your behalf in tax matters, for example, you must still separately authorise them for the Incomes Register. You can grant authorisation for acting in the Incomes Register in the e-Authorisations service. The Incomes Register has its own authorisation codes, Processing incomes payment data, Reporting earnings payment data and Browsing earnings payment data. Read more about authorisations. Persons under 18 years of age may not authorise others to act on their behalf.

A person can grant the Processing incomes payment data authorisation to another person, who can then conduct the following transactions on their behalf:

  • browse incomes payment data
  • browse messages related to incomes payment data
  • request transcripts related to incomes payment data
  • maintain contact details related to incomes payment data.

You do not need to authorise your employer

Income earners do not need to authorise their employers or other payers to report income data to the Incomes Register. Employers and payers have a statutory obligation to report any payments they have made to the Incomes Register.

You can also ask for an authorisation

Persons or companies may also ask another person for authorisation to act on their behalf in the Incomes Register. The authorisation request is made in the e-Authorisations service. You can begin acting on the other person's behalf after the person who received the authorisation request has approved it within the e-Authorisations service.

Acting on behalf of a minor

Guardians may act in the Incomes Register's e-service on behalf of their children under 15 years of age without a separate authorisation. The guardian may log in to the Incomes Register's e-service using their own online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or a certificate card, and select the Act on behalf of another individual function.

If an income earner is 15 to 18 years of age and cannot use the Incomes Register's e-service themselves, they cannot authorise others to use the e-service on their behalf; the only way of conducting business is on a paper form. A person over 18 years of age can grant an authorisation in the e-Authorisation service.

Using the Incomes Register's e-service

Once your authorisations are in order, you can act on behalf of another private individual in the Incomes Register's e-service by first logging in to the service at Next, click Act on behalf of another individual in the left-hand menu. Select the person on whose behalf you want to use the e-service. Next, select Confirm and continue to the service. You will then be moved back to the Incomes Register's e-service, and you may begin acting on behalf of the other private individual. You can stop acting on behalf of the other private individual by selecting End session Act on behalf of another on the left-hand side of the page.

A representative of a company acts on behalf of an individual

A person acting on behalf of an individual can also be a representative of a company.

When an individual has first granted the Processing incomes payment data authorisation to a company and the company has granted a member of its personnel the authorisation to represent, the authorised person can act on behalf of the individual in the Incomes Register's e-service.

Start by clicking Act on behalf of another individual. Select Represent a company from the window that opens. After this, you can select the company you represent. Next, you will see a list of natural persons on whose behalf you have the right to act. Select the person on whose behalf you want to act. Next, select Confirm and continue to the e-service. You will then return to the Incomes Register's e-service and may begin acting on behalf of the person you selected. You can stop acting on behalf of the person by selecting End session Act on behalf of another on the left-hand side of the page.

Foreign private individuals cannot take care of their own Incomes Register matters in the e-service

At present, foreign private individuals cannot act in the Incomes Register's e-service or authorise another person or a company to act on their behalf in the e-service. An individual must have a Finnish personal identity code and an electronic means of identification to be able to use the Incomes Register's e-service.

Page last updated 5/31/2022