Pension policy number

The pension policy number consists of 11 characters and it must be entered in full. The first part of the pension policy number preceding the hyphen identifies the earnings-related pension provider managing the pension policy. The number can be in one of two formats:

  • nn-nnnnnnnT, where n is a number and T is a control character (number or capital letter)
  • nnnnn-nnnnT, where n is a number and T is a control character (number or capital letter)

As a rule, the first part has two digits, except for situations in which the pension insurance has been taken out from a pension trust or pension fund.

If the first part has 5 digits and the format is 7nnnn, the number refers to a pension trust; if the format is 8nnnn, it refers to a pension fund.

If the pension policy number is less than 11 characters, a sufficient number of zeros must be entered after the hyphen, e.g. 46-0123456T. The hyphen is included in the character count. The hyphen may not be replaced with any other character.

The last character of the pension policy number is a control character. The control character may be a number or a letter. If the control character is a letter, it is always a capital letter.

For example: Ilmarinen’s pension policy number would be in the format 46-0123456T, Elo’s pension policy number would be in the format 54-0123456T, Varma’s pension policy number would be in the format 55-0123456T, and Veritas' pension policy number would be in the format 56-0123456T. The numbers of pension trusts would be in the format 70001-1234T.

Different pension providers have different practices, but usually the pension policy number is specified on the customer letters of the earnings-related pension provider.

Changes to the pension policy number

Employers can transfer their insurance to another pension insurance company once a year. Changing an insurance company can be done quarterly. If you have switched insurance companies, you must take this into account when reporting to the Incomes Register. The Incomes Register checks the pension policy number in real time when saving a report. If the report is submitted using an expired pension policy number, it will be rejected. In the case of an earnings payment report, the validity is checked in relation to the payment date and in the case of an employer's separate report, in relation to the reporting period.

Example: The payment date is 31 March and the insurance number has changed or expired on 1 April, and the earnings payment report and the employer's separate report are submitted on 4 April.

The old pension policy number is used in the earnings payment report.

The old pension policy number is used in the employer's separate report.


Page last updated 1/1/2022