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Messages and documents

In the archive, you can browse the messages sent to you by the Incomes Register and other saved documents.

You can open documents by selecting Download document. Unopened documents are highlighted. If several people have authorisation to act on behalf of the same payer, a document is indicated as new only to the person who opens it first. Each file can only be downloaded once per session.

The archive will include all messages and saved documents starting from 2022. At most, 100 latest messages and documents are available in the archive. Newest documents are at the top of the page.

Get a notification on new messages

If you have activated the Suomi.fi Messages service, you will receive a notification on new messages to the email address you have entered for the Suomi.fi service. If you have not activated the Suomi.fi Messages service, the Incomes Register will send the messages as letters.

The email notification will only include the headline of the message. You can read the full message in the archive. You can change your email address and other notification settings in the Suomi.fi service. Read more about Suomi.fi Messages.

Some of the messages and documents saved in the Incomes Register do not require the user to take any action. In these cases, no email notification or letter is sent when they are saved in the archive.

Reports submitted on a paper form are included in the archive

Reports submitted to the Incomes Register on paper and letters related to errors in them are also saved in the archive. For example, if you submit an earnings payment report using a paper form, you can view the form in the archive after it has been received by the Incomes Register. If a report you have submitted on paper contains an error, the letter indicating the error will be available in the archive. The letter will also be sent to you by post.

For reports submitted on a paper form, the report reference will also be shown in a separate column.

If you request a transcript on a paper form, the order form you filled in will also be saved in the archive.

Language of messages and documents

The messages and documents are in the language set as the preferred language of the company or organisation in the Business Information System (Finnish, Swedish or English). Messages and documents of private individuals are in the language set as the individual’s preferred language in the Population Information System (Finnish or Swedish). Changing the language setting of the e-service has no effect on the language of the documents.

Page last updated 1/1/2022