Records sent

You can search for and browse records which have been submitted to the Incomes Register via the technical interface and upload service. You can make searches using search terms or references. After searches, you may also cancel selected records.

You can search for and view records that you are authorised to view. For example, if your organisation uses a suborganisation identifier, search results will only include the suborganisation reports that you are authorised to view.

Search terms

You can search for records based on the date of reception in the Incomes Register. Select the start and end date of your time range from the calendar. Finally, select Search.


You can also search for records sent using a record reference. Select the Incomes Register record reference or the owner’s record reference as the reference type. Enter the reference and, finally, select Search.

Search results

Search results include records submitted to the Incomes Register and their quantity. Records are listed from the newest to the oldest based on the date of reception.

The list shows the following record data:

Received: the date and time when the record was received in the Incomes Register.

Type: the record type, i.e. report, record subscription or cancellation.

Content: the number of reports, cancellations or subscriptions included in the record.

Record reference: the owner’s record reference, which uniquely identifies all records submitted to the Incomes Register.

Channel: the channel from which the record was submitted to the Incomes Register.

Status: the record status can be any of the following options:

  • Unknown – the record status cannot be defined
  • Being processed – the record is being processed in the Incomes Register
  • Valid – the record was received successfully in the Incomes Register and remains valid
  • Partly rejected – part of the record was rejected
  • Rejected at reception – the record was rejected at reception
  • Rejected during processing – the record was rejected during processing
  • Cancelled – the record has been cancelled and no longer remains valid

You can arrange the search results by clicking the column header.

By selecting a row, you can view information about a single record.

Record data

Record data shows detailed information about the selected record.

Record content: Here, you can see all items contained by the record, even if they were later replaced or cancelled. If you want to see the current status of a record, start viewing a single report on the ‘Submitted reports’ page. If part of the record was rejected, you see the number of items saved in and rejected from the Incomes Register.

Received: Here, you can see the date and time when the record was received in the Incomes Register.

Record generated: Here, you can see the date and time when the record was generated in the system of the party who submitted the record.

Rule for processing invalid data: Here, you can see the report processing method selected by the payer. The options are:

  • Only invalid items (reports, cancellation data) are rejected: Faultless reports contained by the record are saved in the Incomes Register and only invalid reports are rejected.
  • Entire record is rejected: If a record contains invalid reports, the entire record will be rejected.

Click Back to return to search results.

Cancelling a record

You can only cancel a report or subscription record submitted to the Incomes Register whose status is Valid.

Select the record you want to cancel. Check that the record reference matches the record to be cancelled.

Select Cancel record from the top right corner of the page and confirm the cancellation. Note that you cannot undo the cancellation.

Page last updated 1/31/2025