Service break in the Incomes Register on 12 January from 9 pm to 15 pm. See the service break schedule.

Submitted reports

On the ‘Submitted reports’ page, you can search for and view reports you have submitted to the Incomes Register. You can make searches using search terms or references. After searches, you can view an individual report, correct or cancel a report or use a report as a template for a new report.

You can search for and view reports that you are authorised to view. For example, if your organisation uses a suborganisation identifier, search results will only include the suborganisation reports that you are authorised to view.

Search terms

Search for reports by filling in the selected search terms. First, select a search term from the list and then fill in more detailed information in the box that opens.

You can remove search terms by clicking X in the top right corner. You can remove all search terms by selecting  Clear.

Time range

‘Time range’ and ‘Type of time range’ are mandatory. Select the start and end date of your time range from the calendar. Also select the type of time range.

You can also add several time ranges by selecting Add time range. By adding several time ranges, you can narrow down your search. For example, if you select 1–15 October as the time range for the payment or reporting date and 1–20 October as the time range for the reception timestamp, reports whose payment date is between 1 and 15 October and that were received between 1 and 20 October will be searched for. Both time ranges must be valid at the same time.

Default values

By default, the payment or reporting date is set as the time range.

Reception timestamp

The reception timestamp is the date and time on which a report has been saved in the Incomes Register.

Payment or reporting date

The payment or reporting date is the payment date or reporting date entered on a report.

Earnings period

The earnings period is a period entered on a report, during which income has been earned.

Period of absence (earnings payment report)

The period of absence is an income earner’s uninterrupted period of absence entered on an earnings payment report.

Reporting period (employer’s separate report)

The reporting period is a calendar month entered on the employer’s separate report, to which data is allocated.

Income earner

You can filter your search by entering the income earner’s identifier type and the income earner’s identifier.

Select the type of identifier from the drop-down menu, such as Personal Identification Number, and add the identifier. If you select 'No Personal Identification Number' or ‘No Business ID', enter the person’s name and date of birth or the company’s name.

Type and status of report

You can search for reports submitted to the Incomes Register on the basis of the report status.

Valid: Search results only include reports that are valid. Cancelled reports or previous versions of corrected reports are not included in search results.

All versions: Search results include all reports submitted to the Incomes Register, including cancelled reports and previous versions of corrected reports.

Cancelled: Search results only include reports that have been cancelled in the Incomes Register.

If you do not select the report status as a search term, Valid will be used as the default status.

Type of report

You can filter search results by selecting the report types that you want to search for from the Incomes Register.

Detailed payer details

You can filter your search using the payer’s suborganisation identifier. Select the type of suborganisation identifier from the drop-down menu and add the suborganisation identifier.

You can also filter your search by selecting reports that include substitute payer details or reports that do not include any substitute payer.


You can filter your search by selecting reports that include absence data or reports that do not include any absence data.

Insurance and earnings-related pension

You can filter your search by entering an earnings-related pension policy number or occupational accident insurance policy number.

Payments made

You can filter your search using the Incomes Register’s income types.

First, select the desired report type, such as ‘Income types of earnings payment report’. Then, add the income type code.

Wage income types 

Income types of benefits


You can search for reports submitted using a reference instead of search terms. Select the reference type and enter a reference.

  • The Incomes Register report reference is a technical system reference in GUID format (e.g. 40c5d83b-b2f6-4f4c-8f95-51f9224c7388).
  • The format of the payer’s report reference is IR-2019-XXX if it is generated by the Incomes Register. The report reference generated by the payer consists of at most 40 characters, and it can include any characters permitted for the reference.

Search results

Once you have entered all search terms,  click  Search. You will be forwarded to a page on which you can see a summary of reports matching your search. The search terms used are shown at the top of the page.

Reports are grouped according to the report type. With regard to earnings payment reports, the search shows separately the reports on which information on international work, the employee leasing notice or absence data has been entered. You can start viewing reports by selecting a row.

Reports are listed from the latest to the oldest. You can change the order by clicking the column header.

By selecting a row, you can start viewing a single report. You can also correct or cancel a report or use a report as a template for a new report.  

When you search with a reference, the search results will not include a summary by income types because a reference search always returns all versions of the report.

Error notifications

Error notifications are shown, for example, if mandatory information is missing from search terms or if search terms are in conflict and the search cannot be completed. Correct any incomplete or incorrect search terms to continue the search.

Correct a report, use a report as a template for a new report or cancel a report 

You can correct a report, use a report as a template for a new report or cancel a selected report. Open a report and select the desired function from the top right corner of the report.

Correct: Correct a report, for example, if it contains an error or omission. All information that was correct on the original report must be entered again – do not remove any correct information. Only add or correct any incorrect information. The report will replace the previous version of the report submitted to the Incomes Register.

Note that not all information submitted to the Incomes Register can be corrected. In some cases, you need to submit a new report and cancel an incorrect report.

Use as a template: You can use a report as a template for a new report, in which case you only need to enter changed information on the report.  Once you have edited the data and submitted the report, the edited report will be turned into a new report with a unique report reference in the Incomes Register.

Cancel: You can cancel a report if you want to remove information completely from the Incomes Register. A report must also be cancelled in certain cases, in which a report is corrected, if it is not possible to submit a replacement report. A report must be cancelled, after which a new report must be submitted, for example, when correcting an incorrect pay period.

Note that you cannot undo the cancellation.

Page last updated 3/9/2023