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Contact us

Our customer service is open from Monday to Friday at 9 am – 4 pm (at 9 am – 3 pm in July) (GMT +2).

We help you in questions related to the Incomes Register by telephone. Contact us to ask about reporting and correcting data, the e-service, interfaces, granting an authorisation, and certificates.

Use the telephone service for personal advice

Our service number is + 358 29 497 550

In the telephone service, staff members can see data about you or your organisation and can provide more detailed advice.

If handling your matter requires identification, the staff member can send you an identification request in the our e-service during your call. 

If you wish to make a call to a Finnish number from outside Finland, dial the international code +358 and leave out the first zero.

Do you want to know more about employer obligations or contributions?

The Incomes Register data users provide guidance on questions related to employer obligations and payments as well as the interpretation of the data users' legislation. The Finnish Tax Administration provides advice on tax matters, for example.

Contact information of the data users

The Finnish Tax Administration’s contact information and service channels

Also check what information about different insurance policies and contributions must be reported to the Incomes Register

Are you looking for these?

The payer submits the reports to the Incomes Register

Households as employers

How to use the Incomes Register?

The Incomes Register’s forms and postal address

Give feedback on the Incomes Register

Page last updated 1/1/2025