Our customer service is open from Monday to Friday at 9 am – 4 pm (at 9 am – 3 pm in July) (GMT +2).
We help you in questions related to the Incomes Register by telephone. Contact us to ask about reporting and correcting data, the e-service, interfaces, granting an authorisation, and certificates.
Use the telephone service for personal advice
Our service number is + 358 29 497 550
In the telephone service, staff members can see data about you or your organisation and can provide more detailed advice.
If handling your matter requires identification, the staff member can send you an identification request in the our e-service during your call.
Our customer service will ask you to identify yourself to confirm your identity in situations that require strong identification for handling your affairs on the phone.
The identification is always done during the call. Identifying yourself in advance is not possible. An identification request can only be sent to persons with a Finnish personal identity code. You can continue to call our telephone service without identification.
If handling your matter requires identification, the staff member will send you an identification request in the e-service during your call. You will see the request by logging in to the e-service and selecting the "Authenticate for phone service" on the front page of the service.
Read the identification code displayed on the identification page aloud to the staff member so that they can confirm your identification.
The code is valid for five minutes. You can also always reject the request if you think it is unjustified.
You can identify yourself in our e-service in different ways, for example with your personal online banking codes or a mobile certificate: How to use identification
If you wish to make a call to a Finnish number from outside Finland, dial the international code +358 and leave out the first zero.
When you call from a mobile phone to the Incomes Register number beginning with 0294, the rate is the standard mobile rate. When you call from a stationary phone, the rate is the standard local network rate.
When calling from abroad the rate is determined by the local telephone operator.
The caller's telephone operator determines the call rates. If you are using a call package, make sure to check with your operator whether calls to 029 numbers are included in the package.
The operator starts charging you the moment the connection is opened, which means that you are paying to the operator for being on hold. Instead of being on hold for a long time, we recommend that you try calling again after a while.
Do you want to know more about employer obligations or contributions?
The Incomes Register data users provide guidance on questions related to employer obligations and payments as well as the interpretation of the data users' legislation. The Finnish Tax Administration provides advice on tax matters, for example.