Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Tax Administration in social media

The Finnish Tax Administration is present in social media channels. We provide information on current tax matters, participate in discussions and answer general questions. In personal tax matters, we recommend that you log in to MyTax and use its messaging feature.

Our guidance is public. Thank you for:

  • Not making your or anyone else’s personal data public. The Finnish Tax Administration never requests personal data in social media services or by email or text messages, including online banking codes, account details or personal identity codes.
  • Respecting others. Accusing others, using foul language and calling other people names are prohibited in our social media channels.
  • Understanding that racist messages or other messages that insult other people or a different community, religion or race are strictly prohibited, similarly to messages that incite other people to commit crime and other illegal messages.
  • Not spamming, marketing or advertising any products or services in our channels.

Any inappropriate messages may be deleted, and messaging by a user who repeatedly is in breach of these instructions may be blocked. The user will not be notified of any deleted or blocked messages.

You can use our social media channels to ask general questions about tax matters.

Read more: processing of personal data in social media.

Our social media channels

 Facebook – Verohallinto

 Linkedin – Verohallinto

 Instagram – Verohallinto

TikTok – Verohallinto

Threads-palvelun ikoni Threads – Verohallinto

Bluesky-palvelun ikoni Bluesky – Verohallinto

X – Verouutiset

 Youtube – Verohallinto

 Soundcloud – Verohallinto

Spotify_ikoni Spotify – Verohallinto

Giphy_ikoni Giphy – Verohallinto

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Page last updated 1/13/2022