Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Check the TIN

TIN (Tax Identification Number) is a code number that identifies the taxpayer. Finnish taxpayers do not have a TIN. Instead, the personal identity code is the tax identifier for individual taxpayers, and the Business ID is the tax identifier for corporate taxpayers.

You can check the format of a foreign TIN (such as a personal ID) in the free TIN on Europa service. You cannot use the service to verify an identity or to make sure that the code entered actually exists and has been issued by the country in question.

TIN online check (Europa EU)

The website is multi-lingual with 22 language options. It also provides additional information about the identifiers used in different countries. 

Check the TIN of a corporate taxpayer (


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Page last updated 6/16/2023