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9A Capital gains and capital losses from trading with securities (3064)

You are required to report the capital gains you have received from selling shares in
listed companies and book-entry securities or the capital losses of such selling, in MyTax or on Form 9A. You must include any foreign-sourced Capital gains and capital losses from trading with securities, too.

Log in to MyTax

Note that there are no numbered forms, such as Form 9A, in MyTax. Claim a capital qain or capital loss on your tax return or tax card request.

Other forms related to capital gains or capital loss

  • Capital gains from the sale of real estate, apartments, shares of a non-listed company and other property, file Form 9 
  • Capital gains from the sale of foreign-located property (such as real estate), file Form 16B

Return address for the paper form

Finnish Tax Administration
P.O. BOX 700
00052 VERO.

Page last updated 12/19/2024