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YEL or MYEL contributions or other mandatory pension insurance contributions

This section is for any pension insurance contributions that you have paid relating to non-wage income, which may include:

  • Contributions required under the YEL act (self-employed persons’ pensions act), unless the paid contributions are already dealt with on your business tax return
  • Contributions required under the MYEL act (farmers’ pensions act), unless the paid contributions are already dealt with on your tax return for agriculture or forestry
  • Contributions required from individuals who receive grant income, in accordance with the provisions of the MYEL act
  • Contributions related to pension contracts in effect when you have worked outside Finland, if you have been the payer of the contributions 

You have the option to either place the mandatory YEL/MYEL contributions in your personal tax return or your spouse's return. The amounts are equally deductible both ways. However, if you deduct your spouse’s contribution or correspondingly, if he or she deducts the contributions you paid, both of you must make the demand regarding the transfer of deductible contributions between spouses before the Tax Administration has completed the tax-assessment process for the year.

However, please note that you can report no pension contributions under YEL or MYEL laws at the same time on your business tax return and your personal Pre-completed return, and likewise, on your agricultural tax return and your personal Pre-completed return. More information on the deductibility of YEL contributions.

How to file in MyTax

The Pre-completed income and deductions stage — under Pre-completed income and deductions — contains the deduction information that has been available to the Tax Administration, including the amount of “work income” (=työtulo; arbetsinkomst) that has served as the base for the pension contributions, and including the category of your pension insurance contract. 

If you are a payer of YEL or MYEL contributions and you claim that the paid contributions be deducted in your personal tax assessment, move on to Other deductions. Select Yes in the YEL or MYEL contributions or other mandatory pension insurance contributions section, and then enter the sum total for the entire year. If you choose to claim deductions on your tax return relating to your spouse’s YEL or MYEL, enter the data the same way as above.

How to file on paper

To claim the deductions for pension insurance contributions on paper, submit Form 50A – Earned income and deductions.

Page last updated 2/18/2021