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How to request a tax card for wage or benefit income in MyTax

These instructions will help you to request a tax card in the following situations:

  • you are starting a new job
  • you want to raise or lower your tax rate, i.e. your pay or estimate of your income for the entire year changes
  • you become unemployed or you are laid off from work and start receiving a benefit.

Benefits include earnings-related unemployment allowance, basic unemployment allowance, labour-market subsidy, maternity allowance, parental allowance, child home care allowance, sickness allowance, adult education allowance, and sickness allowance on account of an infectious disease.

If you have no other income during the year except for a study grant, you do not need a tax card. If, in addition to studying, you are also working, you will need a tax card for wage income.

For a tax card, you need information on your income and any deductions.

Log in to MyTax (opens in a new window)

Do as follows in MyTax

  1. After you have logged in to MyTax, click the Tax cards and prepayments link under Tax cards and prepayments 2024.

  2. Click the Request a new tax card button.

  3. Click Select the short tax card request.

    The short tax card request allows you to

    • request a tax card for wage or benefit income, fringe benefits and study grant
    • report commuting expenses and membership fees for labour market organisations.

    If you notice that you need to report other income or deductions for your tax card, you can switch from the short tax card request to the long version at any point.

  4. Fill in the new and changed details in the different stages of the request. The instructions below will help you with the different stages of the request.

    Finally, click Submit.

    The new tax card will be delivered to the recipient of your choice. A copy of your tax card is always available in MyTax

Stages in the short tax card request

1. Basic details

Check that your details are correct.

2. Pre-completed income and deductions

You can see the details on the income and deductions based on which your current tax card has been calculated. Correct details, if necessary, in this stage. If you have pre-completed travel expenses, always check that the information is up to date.

If you are reporting a benefit, a study grant, travel expenses or membership fees for labour market organisations for the first time, you can only enter the related details in the Other income or Other deductions stage.

  1. Select whether you are reporting details on the wages paid to you and the tax withheld on them so far, or using the details in the Incomes Register. If you are reporting the details, enter the pay you have received since the start of the year and the tax that has been withheld on it.

    Note: Even if you only want to change the period of validity (e.g. starting 1 January), you must still change the estimated amount of income, for example by €1.

  2. Next, enter an estimate of how much pay you will receive: You can estimate

    • your pay for the entire year (12 months)
    • your pay for the rest of the year (from the date when the new tax card enters into force until the end of the year).

    Make a calculation of the total wages, salaries, fees, holiday bonuses and fringe benefits that you get from all paid work. Do not include benefits, pension, study grants or pay received from abroad. Report the latter types of income separately in their own sections.

When you already have a tax card for benefits:

  • If you correct tax card details or add a new benefit from the same payor, select that payor's name under Benefits.
  • If you add a new benefit from a new payor, click Add new benefit.

If you do not have a tax card for benefits yet, report a new benefit from a new payor under Other income.

To make corrections, select the payor's name in the Study grant section.

Check that the information is up to date.

If any corrections and additions must be made, first tick the box for the means of transport (public transport, private transport, or both), then make the required changes to the return.

If you can see only some of your travel expenses, select Add new travel expense and fill in the amounts that are missing.

To make any corrections, first select the name of the trade union or unemployment fund. Then you can edit the entries. If any membership fees you have paid are missing, fill in the missing amounts.

3. Other income

  1. If you start receiving a benefit, select Yes under Benefits and then click Add new benefit.

    • First state whether the benefit is being paid by Kela or some other Finnish payor.
    • Then select the payor’s name from the list, such as General unemployment fund YTK.
      If the name is not on the list, select Other Finnish payor. Write the payor's name in the field that opens, for example the Employment Fund. Please note that the Business ID is not a required data element. If the payor is on the list, you do not need to add the payor’s address when selecting the delivery method.
    • Report the type of benefit and amount of benefit. If you receive temporary epidemic support from Kela, select Other benefit as the type of benefit. Please note that you can report only one type of benefit per payor.

    If you have not received a decision on the benefit, you can give your own estimate of the benefit amount. For example, the amount of earnings-related unemployment allowance is approximately 60% of your pay.

    Finally, click OK.

  • If you start receiving a Kela-paid study grant, select Yes under Study grant.

    • State how much study grant you receive each month.
    • Also state whether Kela withholds taxes from the study grant, i.e. whether it is subject to taxation.

4. Other deductions

  1. If you are reporting or changing your commuting expenses, select Yes under Travel expenses. Then click Add new travel expense.

  2. Select Commute as the type of travel and select the means of transport.

    1. If you are filing the travel expenses by public transport, enter the following:
      • address details
      • daily travel distance
      • period of travel
      • amount of travel expenses in euros.
    2. If you are filing travel expenses for trips using your own car or a company car, also enter the following:
      • grounds for using private transport
      • means of transport
      • number of travel days.

    After you have entered all the details, click OK.

  • Select Yes for Membership fees for labour market organisations. Enter the amount of membership fees in the field.

5. Delivery method

Enter the date from which your new tax card is valid.

  • Select whether you want your tax card

    • only electronically to MyTax
    • to MyTax and delivered by post to your home.
    • If you have previously selected the payor of the benefit from the list, the Tax Administration will deliver the tax card directly to them. For example, Kela will receive your tax card information directly from the Tax Administration.
    • If you have selected Other Finnish payor and written the name of the payor yourself, you can select whether you want the tax card delivered to your home or directly to the payor. In this case, you will have to add the payor’s address.
    • If you have also made changes to your wage details, you will also receive a new tax card for wages.

6. Preview and send

  • Check that the details are correct. You can make corrections by cliking Edit or Previous.

    If you wish to continue filling in the details later, select Save as unfinished. The data entered in the unfinished request will be saved for 1 month. The Tax Administration will not process the information before you have submitted it.

    Once all the details are correct, click Submit. After this, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. How to find your tax card in MyTax

If the tax card is processed by a tax official

If your tax card request is processed by a tax official, the processing time is 1 to 3 days.

If you have activated messages, you will receive a message once your tax card in ready. If you have not activated messages, you will receive your tax card by post. You can always find your tax card in MyTax, where you can save or print it

Page last updated 6/24/2024