Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

If you pay car tax after the due date

If you pay your car tax after the due date, you must also pay interest. Pay the interest together with the actual tax. In 2025, the late-payment interest is 11.5%.

You can pay the car tax in MyTax or in your e-bank. 

When you pay the tax in MyTax, the reference numbers and other payment details are automatically included in your e-bank payment. Note that the payment date is always the current day and it cannot be changed.

If you want to pay the car tax in your e-bank, check the payment details in MyTax or in the car tax decision. When you pay, always use your personal reference number for car tax and the correct bank account number.

If you pay late, you will have to pay late-payment interest

Late-payment interest starts to accrue on the day following the due date. It is calculated for the actual number of days until the date of payment. Late-payment interest must also be paid on penalty fees, such as a punitive tax increase. Read more about late-payment interest.

The late-payment interest has no minimum amount, so you must pay it exactly to the cent. If you pay your car tax after the due date, pay the late-payment interest together with the actual tax.

You can check the amount of overdue tax and the late-payment interest in MyTax. You can also use the interest calculator to calculate the exact amount of late-payment interest.

You will be reminded of any unpaid taxes in the tax summary

If you have unpaid car tax, you will find a payment reminder in your tax summary. If you have activated electronic messages and do not receive paper mail, you will receive the tax summary only in MyTax. 

You will receive 1–3 payment reminders in your summaries before we transfer the tax to the enforcement authorities for recovery. After your tax has been transferred to enforced recovery, you must pay it to the enforcement authorities. The number of payment reminders depends on whether you have other unpaid taxes.

If you do not pay the car tax by the due date, the Tax Administration may impose a prohibition of use on the vehicle. Read more about the prohibition of use of vehicles (available only in Finnish and Swedish).

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Page last updated 1/1/2025