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Request for inspection of personal data

With the form Request for inspection of personal data (TULOR 6114e), you can request access to your own personal data in accordance with Article 15 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

What data do you get with a request?

You will have a report on your data that is saved in the Incomes Information System. Such data includes, for example, your name, personal identity code, address, telephone number and email address, possible memo data, earnings and benefits payment report data, and data stored in the document archive.

You can also obtain information about the parties to which your data has been disclosed.

This is how you can check your data

Fill in your contact information in the form. Enter in the “Further information on requests for personal data” field:

  • the year regarding which you request data – this is sufficient if you only want the data about you that has been saved in the system.

If you also want information about the parties to which your data has been disclosed, enter the following in the “Further information on requests for personal data” field:

  • the year regarding which you request data – this is sufficient if you only want the data about you that has been saved in the system;
  • information saying that you want a list of the parties to which your data has been disclosed;
  • information about whether you want information about the disclosure of earnings payment data, benefits payment data or both.

Sign the form before submitting it. Enter also the date.

Before sending the data, the Incomes Register verifies the customer's identity and, if necessary, requests additional information. 

The form will be processed by the deadline defined in Article 12 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, that is, within a month of receiving the request. 

You can access your income data in the Incomes Register

If you only need a summary of your income, you can request an Incomes Register extract through the Incomes Register e-service. It will be available to you immediately in PDF format.

The Incomes Register extract shows all income reported by payers for you in the Incomes Register: wages, pensions and benefits. With the extract, you can check what income data has been reported for you.

If you want a more detailed specification, you can search and view the data on the “Personal income data” page in the e-service.

To whom will the Incomes Register’s data be disclosed?

Data reported to the Incomes Register can only be used by the organisations and authorities that have the right to the data based on the act on the incomes information system (laki tulotietojärjestelmästä 53/2018).

Read more about data users

Read more about data users and the grounds for the disclosure of data (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish)

Incomes Register’s forms and further information

Request for inspection of personal data (TULOR 6114e), (pdf)

Further information on data security and the processing of personal data

Page last updated 5/23/2023