Version history

Date of issue Document name Changes
9/1/2024 Distance selling of products subject to excise duty to Finland
1/1/2021 Distance selling of excise products to Finland Replaces guidance VH/82/00.01.00/2020, 17.4.2020 The instruction has been updated. As of the beginning of 2021, the act on assessment procedure for self-assessed taxes (Laki oma-aloitteisten verojen verotusmenettelystä 768/2016) is applied to excise taxation. The updates are mostly attributable to chapters 3 and 4 relating to the assessment procedure. The references to legal provisions and the examples of the instruction have been adjusted to be in line with the new regulation.

Replaces guidance:
Distance selling of excise products to Finland

4/17/2020 Distance selling of excise products to Finland