Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents
Key terms:
- Validity
- In force until further notice
Tax rates on dividends, investment fund profit shares and royalties from Finland to non-residents. See table for tax to be withheld at source, by countries of residence (of recipient). For countries not included in table, the rate is 20% or 30%.
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2025 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2024 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2023 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2022 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2021 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2020 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividens and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2019 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividens and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2018 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividens and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2017 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividens and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2016 (pdf)
- Tax rates on dividends and other payments from Finland to non-residents 2015 (pdf)
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