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Tax management of estates of deceased persons to be included in MyTax in 2027

Starting 2027, the management of estates of deceased persons will be less burdensome than at present. When the planned improvements are in place, those who are shareholders or authorised agents of an estate will be able to manage the estate’s taxes in MyTax.

Our objective is to build a ready-to-use set of data into MyTax concerning both the shareholders and the estate’s assets. For example, when an estate shareholder logs in to MyTax, they can view and accept the data in the register of shareholders, and if necessary, add more information about the estate’s assets to be used in the deed of estate inventory or the inheritance tax return.

MyTax becomes available to estate shareholders and authorised persons

The Tax Administration is developing new functionalities for MyTax for easier tax management for death estates.

The planned MyTax capabilities will allow users to

  • browse and make checks of the contents of a shareholder register,
  • notify the Tax Administration of the contact person appointed for the estate,
  • notify the Tax Administration of the estate’s contact information and bank account number,
  • complete and send the inheritance tax return and deed of inventory,
  • request extensions of time for the estate inventory and for sending the tax return,
  • send the deeds of partition and distribution,
  • watch a tracking view of the tax-assessment process, and
  • store relevant documents.

At present, the ”Report or request information in a limited scope” feature in MyTax lets you use MyTax for certain transactions related to inheritance taxes. In the future, when management of an estate of a deceased person will be part of MyTax, inheritors, shareholders, and authorised agents of an estate can access identical sets of data, submit reports, submit applications, and even track the different stages of processing.

The future register of estate shareholders

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) will create a new register that contains data records on all estate shareholders. The future register will be among Finland’s statutory data registers, based on the population register and supplemented with data from other sources, such as the records of church parishes. The register will replace today’s reports of family relations issued by the DVV’s population register.

Data records will be created in the register in an automatic process, based on other databases’ entries on deaths and estates left behind.

Shareholders of estates will get access to the register through MyTax. In the same way, a MyTax functionality for updating the information will become available. Users of the information stored in the shareholder register will need to pay a service charge comparable with the charges collected today for issuance of reports from the population register.

The companies and organisations that offer e-services to taxpayers can use the register’s data records. This will contribute to more trouble-free use of electronic services because those who manage an estate’s affairs will no longer need to send similar sets of information to many different e-services.

A number of e-services will use the data records of the register automatically. The estates will also be able to issue authorisations to their representatives.

Inheritance tax returns and inventory deeds to be pre-filled in MyTax

The new MyTax features will include a functionality for completing and sending the inheritance tax return and the deed of inventory on the basis of pre-filled information.

The inheritance tax return contains the information necessary for assessing inheritance taxes. As it is planned, a number of third-party sources of information such as banks and various public authorities will provide relevant data to the Tax Administration to be pre-filled in MyTax.

The plans also include implementation of API-based data transfer. However, those who manage the taxes will still be able to choose between the submittal of the inheritance tax return in MyTax and its submittal on a paper form.

Promoting digital service centred on life events

The planned improvements are part of the Ministry of Finance’s program (abbreviated as EOAVH) for the introduction of up-to-date services for easier management of the affairs of an estate of a deceased person.

Aims of the Ministry of Finance’s program include

  • to make the management of the affairs of a deceased relative easier,
  • to provide a full e-service that the persons in charge of an estate can rely on, regardless of their physical location and at any time,
  • to introduce a database of up-to-date contact information for estates, and
  • to reach a higher level of automation in inheritance taxation.

The Tax Administration and the DVV co-operate in designing the services. Further co-operation in matters related to legal norms is ongoing with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice.

Technical development of the new services and the entry into force of the necessary legislation will take place in 2025 and 2026. The new services will be ready for use in 2027.

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Page last updated 3/12/2025