Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Income tax prepayment application, corporate taxpayer (5017)

Corporate taxpayers use this form to request prepayment, recalculation of prepayment, and additional prepayment. Corporations must apply for these prepayments electronically.

Request prepayment online

File your application in MyTax

You can can file the application electronically in by submitting the file produced by your accounting software or via Apitamo/ApitamoPKI-interface.

When can I use a paper form?

You can file on paper only if there is a special reason (for example, if electronic filing is impossible due to technical difficulties).

If you file on paper, you need not apply for a special permission, and the Tax Administration does not need to be notified of the reason in advance. The processing of a paper application takes more time than the processing of an electronic application.

Fill in the form carefully and follow the instructions. Tax returns filed on paper are scanned and their contents read using OCR technology. For example, when entering the accounting period, use the format ddmmyyyy–ddmmyyyy. Similarly, be sure to enter the Business ID correctly for correct identification of your business. More information is available in the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Send completed forms with enclosures to

Finnish Tax Administration — Verohallinto
OCR Service of Prepayment Forms (Corporate) — Yhteisöjen ennakonmuutoshakemusten
optinen lukupalvelu
PO Box 500
FI-00052 VERO

The Tax Administration can use automated decision-making in the context of resolving tax matters. This means that a decision concerning your tax matter may be based on partial or full use of an automated decision-making system. Read more about automated decision-making at the Tax Administration (only in finnish).

Page last updated 3/1/2024