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Capital gains or capital losses relating to other property and assets

  1. If the property you sold was not securities, such as corporate stocks, select Yes at Capital gains or losses. Then click Add new transfer.

  2. First select the type of the property:

    • shares in a housing company or real estate company
    • real estate such as a house or a plot of land
    • virtual currencies (capital gains resulting from using or converting virtual currency)
    • other property including
      • shares based on time-sharing of a vacation home, shares of a golf course company
      • shares in a non-listed company
      • sales of machinery that you have used in a forestry operation.

    Then fill in the details requested.

    Scroll down the bar on the right to see all the sections.

  3. If you had co-owned the sold property together with someone else,

    • You must only enter a selling price that reflects your co-ownership (do not enter the full selling price that was received).
    • In the same way, when you fill in the other fields, enter your portions only, in proportion to the part you had co-owned, of the property’s acquisition cost, and of the property’s selling expenses.
    • If you have sold property together with your spouse, other partner, or someone else, it is important that this other person submits their own report to the Tax Administration to give details on the sale.
    • If you have sold all of the co-owned property’s portion that belonged to you, answer Yes to “Have you sold the entire apartment?”.
    • If you did not sell your personal portion entirely, answer No.  Enter the sold part as a fraction or as a percentage. For example, if you sold half of the part that you co-owned, you can enter 50% or ½.
  4. If the sales transaction is tax-free because it consisted of selling your home,

    • fill in Yes in answer to “Was the transferred apartment your own permanent home?”,
    • then fill in the details requested.
    • After you have submitted the completed request form, the Tax Administration will check that the terms for tax exemption are met. If it is established that the selling of your home is exempt from tax, we will send you a prepayment decision indicating “0” as the amount of tax. 

    Click OK.

  5. Answer Yes when the economic result of the sale is a capital loss not tax-deductible. No tax deduction is given if you sold the property for an “underprice” i.e. less than ¾ of the property’s fair market value at the date when you sold it.

    If you sold property other than the home where you had lived and you received a capital gain which is exempted from tax, answer Yes to “Are you reporting other tax-exempt capital gains?”. Examples of partially and fully tax-exempt gains: you sell property in circumstances linked to a transfer of a farm/company to the next generation; you sell a forest to the State of Finland so it will be converted into an area of national nature conservation.

    MyTax will not display these lines if you are reporting a sale of virtual currency

    Click OK to close.

Page last updated 3/16/2022