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Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.
You may be entitled to several different deductions and credits that reduce the total amount of taxes you must pay. Some deductions are given you by the Tax Administration in an automated process. Other deductions are not given you unless you submit a claim. A simple way to claim deductions is enter data concerning your upcoming tax-deductible expenses when you ask for a revised tax card. Alternatively you enter the expenses in a deduction claim when you file your tax return.
These deductions you must claim yourself.
This is information that we receive from banks and pension providers, for example. You can see the information on your pre-completed tax return.
Some deductions are calculated automatically based on your income.
You can file deductions in MyTax by requesting a new or revised tax card. In that way, you will benefit from the deduction immediately. You can also file deductions for the following spring’s pre-completed tax return.
How to file deductions in MyTaxThe effect of deductions depends on whether they are subtracted from your income or taxes.
Deductions made directly from tax (tax credits) have a greater impact than deductions made from income.
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