Tax credit for electricity

  • Go to Other deductions.

    First, select Yes under Credit for household expenses.

    Under Tax credit for electricity 1 January 2023–30 April 2023, click Add electricity costs.

    Also include

    • business ID of electricity company
    • name of electricity company
    • GSRN of permanent home
    • start date and end date of electricity use based on which you are claiming tax credit
    • total charges and basic charges for electricity, including VAT.

    If you have shared the expenses with someone, such as your spouse or the person you live with, select Yes. Enter the sum that you have paid (your share of the costs for electricity including VAT).

    Click OK.

    Please note! If you change the electricity credit details later, you can only do it in the Pre-completed income and deductions stage. You can edit the electricity credit details by selecting Credit for household expenses and clicking on the link Open specification.

    If you cannot file your credit for electricity in MyTax, fill in the form 14D Tax credit for electricity – tax credit for household expenses related to electricity costs 2023

Page last updated 1/1/2023