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Deadlines for reporting

Payers must submit data about payments made to the Incomes Register within 5 days of the payment date.

  • Payment date is the day on which the income earner can access the salary, benefit or pension (e.g. it can be withdrawn from their account).
  • Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays are included in the 5 calendar days following the payment date.
  • If the 5th day is on a Saturday, Sunday or other holiday, you can report the data on the following business day.

Always submit reports according to the payment date

The deadline for reporting data does not depend on the period when income was earned. For example, income paid in January must be reported according to the January payment date, even if it was earned in December.

Furthermore, the duration of the company’s tax period has no impact on the reporting deadline.

Deadlines for wages

Report  on the earnings payment report within 5 days of the payment date: paid wages, fees and other remunerations as well as the items deducted from wages.

Check any derogations from general deadlines in the following instructions.

Deadlines for benefits

Report  on the earnings payment report within 5 days of the payment date: paid pensions and benefits as well as the deductions made from them.

Correct your report immediately

Payer should correct any reported incorrect data immediately upon discovering the error. Income earners who notice an error in their information must ask the payer to correct the data in the Incomes Register.

Read more about correcting data

Read more about reporting unjust enrichment and recovery

You can submit information beforehand

You can submit reports to the Incomes Register in advance. You can do so as early as 45 days before the payment date. You must include the current date, i.e. the day when you submit your report, in the 45-day period.

You can submit data 45 days in advance

  • monetary payments, such as wages, fees and other remunerations as well as pensions and benefits
  • fringe benefits
  • employment contracts that have not started yet.

You can submit certain data in advance without any time limits.

This data can be submitted as soon as they are known:

  • termination of employment
  • periods of work and periods of stay  in international situations
  • absences.

You can submit the employer’s separate report to the Incomes Register one month beforehand. The ‘No wages payable’ selection can be reported for six months ahead.

When should data be reported to the Incomes Register?

Submit data about payments you have made to the Incomes Register within 5 days of the payment date. Check any derogations from general deadlines in the instructions on this page.

Payers must submit data about payments made to the Incomes Register within 5 days of the payment date.

Detailed instructions and examples

Earnings payment data – see examples and read more about the deadlines.

Section 2, Deadlines for reporting data

Benefits payment data – see examples on reporting and read more about the deadlines.

Section 1.2, The time of reporting data

Page last updated 5/28/2024