Data users can request transcripts on the use of the Incomes Register
Data user organisations can request transcripts on their use of the Incomes Register. The summary transcripts provide data users with information on record subscriptions and queries made based on them. Data users can monitor their organisation’s use of the Incomes Register’s e-service with the access log data.
Transcript requests can be made via several channels
Data users can request transcripts in the Incomes Register’s e-service, the upload service and via the technical interface. In the e-service and the upload service, transcript requests can only be made by the master user.
You can download the requested transcripts in the e-service on the ‘Subscriptions made’ page.
Only master users can view 702 and 710 reports in the e-service. 700 reports can be viewed with other data user roles as well.
The transcript is intended for data users to monitor record subscriptions and queries made based on them.
The transcript includes:
the number of records queried for the data user;
the number of reports contained by records.
The data is itemised by record type.
You can request transcripts in the e-service, upload service or technical interface. The time range can be at most 12 months.
Download a transcript in PDF format on the ‘Subscriptions made’ page in the e-service.
With the transcript, you can check how your organisation has used the e-service.
The transcript includes
data about actions, such as searching for and browsing data, that individuals acting on the organisation’s behalf have taken in the Incomes Register’s e-service;
data about the e-service view each individual has accessed.
The 702 (PDF) and 710 (CSV) transcripts include the same data. If you want to process a transcript in a spreadsheet program (such as Excel), request the 710 transcript.
You can request transcripts in the e-service, upload service or technical interface. The time range can be at most 3 months.
The transcript can be requested for a single individual or all. You can enter a specific individual’s personal identity code in the ‘User ID’ section, in which case the transcript will only include information about the specific individual’s actions.
Download a transcript in PDF format on the ‘Subscriptions made’ page in the e-service.
With the transcript, you can check how your organisation has used the e-service.
The transcript includes
data about actions, such as searching for and browsing data, that individuals acting on the organisation’s behalf have taken in the Incomes Register’s e-service;
data about the e-service view each individual has accessed.
The 710 (CSV) and 702 (PDF) transcripts include the same data. If you want to open a transcript in PDF format, request the 702 report.
You can request transcripts in the e-service, upload service or technical interface. The time range can be at most 3 months.
The transcript can be requested for a single individual or all. You can enter a specific individual’s personal identity code in the ‘User ID’ section, in which case the transcript will only include information about the specific individual’s actions.
Download a transcript in CSV format on the ‘Subscriptions made’ page in the e-service.
How are transcripts generated? What is calculated in each section?
Detailed information about transcripts is available in technical descriptions on the ‘Documentation’ page:
Calculation rules are specified in the document ‘Income data – Calculation rules’.
The data content is presented in the document ‘Transcripts in the Incomes Register’.