The Incomes Register for data users
Only those organisations and authorities that are entitled to do so according to the Incomes Register act can browse and search data submitted to the Incomes Register. The data can only be used for the purposes and to the extent permitted by law.
The users of the data held in the Incomes Register provide guidance on employer obligations and payments as well as the interpretation of laws applicable to the data users’ own sphere of competence.
Data users include:
- The Finnish Tax Administration
- The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)
- Employment Fund
- earnings-related pension providers
- Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s administrative branch
- Statistics Finland
- non-life insurance providers
- unemployment funds
- municipalities and joint municipal authorities
- Workers’ Compensation Center
- Patient Insurance Centre
- occupational safety and health authorities
- Province of Åland and its authorities
- Motor Insurers' Centre
- State Treasury
- National Enforcement Authority Finland
- The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA)
- wellbeing services counties
- Finnish Immigration Service
- The Ministry of Justice's administrative branch
- The police of Finland
- Finnish customs
- The Positive credit register
The first users of the Incomes Register were
- the Finnish Tax Administration
- The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)
- the Employment Fund
- earnings-related pension providers and Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK).
They became data users when the register was opened on January 1, 2019.
- The number of data users has grown as follows:
- At 1 January 2020, Province of Åland and its authorities, municipalities and joint municipal authorities, Motor Insurers' Centre, Patient Insurance Centre, Workers’ Compensation Center, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s administrative branch, Statistics Finland, the Employment Fund's adult education benefits, occupational safety and health authorities, unemployment funds, non-life insurance providers and State Treasury
- At 1 January 2021, the National Enforcement Authority Finland
- At 1 January 2023, the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA), Wellbeing services counties, Finnish Immigration Service, the Ministry of Justice's administrative branch, the police of Finland as well as Finnish customs
- At 1 April 2024, the Positive credit register.
In the Incomes Register, data users are the organisations and authorities to which the act on the Incomes Register (Laki tulotietojärjestelmästä 53/2018) grants the right to search for och view data reported to the Incomes Register. These parties may only use the data in the extent and for the purposes laid down in the act.
Data users retrieve data from the Incomes Register to their software via an API. Some organisations also use the Incomes Register’s e-service.
The data is used for decision-making and in other statutory duties.
A separate data permission decision is made for each organisation entitled to data permission. It defines what information the representatives of the organisation may retrieve and view, and to what extent.
Only an organisation or public authority that has the right to receive data from the Incomes Register under the Incomes Register Act may receive data permission.
Representatives of a data user must also identify themselves in the Incomes Register’s e-service with their personal credentials.
You can only use the service on behalf of a data user if you have been authorised by your organisation’s master user to act as a data user.
Data users do not use the authorisation. Instead, the main user of each organisation grants the authorisations in the Incomes Register’s e-service. The main user is also responsible for the maintenance of the granted authorisations.
The majority of data users retrieve data from the Incomes Register to their software via an API. In this case, the organisation will be identified by a technical certificate installed in the software.