Paper forms
If you cannot use the e-service, you can use paper forms instead. With a paper form, you can
- set a voluntary ban on credits for yourself or for an underage child, and edit or remove a ban on credits
- request a summary of your registered information.
You can fill in the form on your computer and print it out before signing. Alternatively, you can print out the form immediately and fill it in manually. You can also request paper forms from our customer service by phone. The contact information of the customer service is available on the Contact information page.
Fill in all the required details. If instructions for filling in the form are available, you can find them in the same place as the form. If required data is missing from the form or the form is difficult to read, the processing will be delayed.
Send the completed forms to:
Positive credit register
P.O. BOX 2
FI-00055 Incomes Register
Forms and instructions
Page last updated 3/27/2024