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Instructions for MyTax – informal care support, trade income, fees, stock options, pay from your own company

Getting started

  • On the MyTax home page, go to Tax card and prepayments 2024 and select Tax cards and prepayments.
  • Select Request a new tax card.
  • Click Select the complete tax card request.

The request has 6 stages. 

Stage 1: Background

Check that the information is correct.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage.

Stage 2: Pre-completed income and deductions

​In this stage, you can see the details on which your current tax card is based. Check the information and make changes, if necessary.

Stage 3: Other income

Select the situation that applies to you to get detailed instructions

  • Report informal care support in the Other income stage of the tax card request.

    • Scroll down until you get to Income for foster care provider, day care provider or family caregiver.
    • Select Yes at Family caregiver’s fees.
    • Enter an estimate of the fees for the entire year, as well as information on the fees that have already been paid and the taxes withheld on them.

Follow these instructions if

  • you draw wages from your own limited liability company during the year
  • you are insured under YEL and pay YEL insurance contributions
  • the amount of YEL work income has been determined with the insurance company.
  1. Proceed to Pre-completed income and deductions.

    • In the section Pay and fringe benefits, enter the pay you receive from your own limited liability company. If you also receive pay from other sources, add up all the wages and salaries and enter the amount in the Pay and fringe benefits section.

      Remember to report the pay you have received since the start of the year as well as the withholdings you have paid.
  2. Move on to Other income.

    • Go to the section Business income and entrepreneur’s work income.
    • Select Yes in the Pay of YEL or MYEL insured entrepreneur section. Re-enter the pay you receive from your own company.
    • Select Yes in the Work income under YEL or MYEL section. Enter the YEL work income that has been determined with the insurance company.
  3. Move on to the Other deductions stage.

    • Go to the Other deductions section.
    • Select Yes in the YEL or MYEL contributions or other mandatory pension insurance contributions section. Enter the pension insurance contributions you have paid to the insurance company.

If necessary, check what is considered compensation for use.

  • Report compensation for use in the Other income stage of the tax card request.

    • Scroll down until you get to the Compensation for use and trade income section.
    • Select Yes for Compensation for use.
    • Enter an estimate of the compensations for use for the entire year, as well as information on the compensations for use that have already been paid and the taxes withheld on them.

If necessary, check whether the payment in question is wages or trade income.

If you are not liable to pay VAT and you are not in the prepayment register, do as follows:

  1. Move on to the Other income stage.

    • Scroll down until you get to the Compensation for use and trade income section.
    • Select Yes at Trade income when you are not on the prepayment register or liable to pay VAT.
    • Enter an estimate of the trade income for the entire year, as well as information on the trade income that has already been paid and the taxes withheld on it.
    • If you are insured under YEL: Scroll down to Business income and entrepreneur’s work income. Select Yes in the Work income under YEL or MYEL section to report the details.
  2. If you have expenses related to trade income, move on to the Other deductions stage.

    • Select Yes for Expenses for the production of income.
    • Click Open specification under Expenses for the production of other income than wage income.
    • Enter the expenses in the field Expenses for the production of other work income.
    • If you are insured under YEL: Scroll down to the Other deductions section. Select Yes in the YEL or MYEL contributions or other mandatory pension insurance contributions section to report the details.

If necessary, check whether the payment in question is wages or trade income.

If you are liable to pay VAT but are not in the prepayment register, do as follows:

  1. Report trade income and YEL work income in the Other income stage of the tax card request.

    • Scroll down until you get to the section Business income and entrepreneur’s work income.
    • Select Yes for Trade income when you are not on the prepayment register but you are liable to pay VAT.
    • Enter an estimate of the trade income for the entire year, as well as information on the trade income that has already been paid and the taxes withheld on it, and the expenses related to the trade income.
  2. If you are insured under YEL:

    • In the Other income stage, scroll down to Business income and entrepreneur’s work income. Select Yes in the Work income under YEL or MYEL section to report the details.
    • Report the YEL pension insurance contributions you have paid to the insurance company in the Other deductions stage. Select Yes in the YEL or MYEL contributions or other mandatory pension insurance contributions section to report the details.
  1. The Pre-completed income and deductions stage — Pay and fringe benefits:

    Select whether you enter the amounts paid and taxes withheld, or do you rely on the pre-completed amounts retrieved from the Incomes Register. If you enter the amounts yourself, enter the pay you have received since 1st January this year and the total amount withheld on it.

  2. Next, estimate your upcoming future income consisting of wages: You can choose whether you are:

    • submitting an estimate of the entire year’s pay (12 months), or
    • an estimate for the remaining part of the year (from the date when the new tax card enters into force until the end of the calendar year).

    Make a calculation of the total wages, salaries, fees, holiday bonuses and fringe benefits that you get from all paid work. However, do not include your stock options here.

  3. The Other income stage:

    Scroll all the way down, and click Show more.

  4. Scroll to Employee stock options and stock grants. Click the Yes button.

  5. Enter the income value of your employee stock options in Estimated income for the entire year (gross).

    If the “Method of reporting income received” selection appears, do not select information retrieved from the Incomes Register here. Enter the stock-options income yourself under Income received so far, since start of the year (gross), if part of that income is already recorded in your employer’s payroll accounts (the income in the form of employee stock options appears on your pay slip).

    Make the right selection for whether your stock options are connected to Wage income or Other income. For the majority of employees, the selection is Wage income.

    Select whether you want to pay the tax for the employee stock options as a prepayment. If you receive high income in the form of stock options, we recommend that you select Yes. If you pre-pay the income tax, you will not have to pay back taxes later.

  6. The final selection is Do you receive wage income not subject to pension and unemployment insurance contributions?

    First click the Yes button, and then enter your income in the form of employee stock options in Estimated income for the entire year (gross).

Submit fees and reimbursements of expenses as described below.

  1. Go to the Other income stage.

    • Scroll down until you get to Income for foster care provider, day care provider or family caregiver.
    • Select Yes for Foster care provider’s fees and reimbursements of expenses.
    • The first field is Fees and expense reimbursements received so far. Enter here a total amount containing
      • the fees paid to you so far
      • any reimbursements of travel expenses that you have invoiced separately
      • other reimbursements of expenses.
    • The second field is Withholdings. Enter here the amount withheld from your fees so far.
    • The third field is Estimated fees and expense reimbursements. Enter here your estimate of the fees and reimbursements of expenses for the entire year.
    • The fourth field is Amount of reimbursement of expenses. Enter here the reimbursements of expenses for the entire year.
  2. If you have invoiced reimbursements of travel expenses separately, go to Other deductions.

    • Select Yes for Expenses for the production of income.
    • Click Open specification under Expenses for the production of other income than wage income.
  3. Enter reimbursements of travel expenses in Expenses for the production of other work income. Click OK.

When you fill in the form for a new tax card, enter the amount of your foreign-sourced pension under Other income.

  • Scroll the page down until the line Foreign income
  • Select Yes at Foreign income.
  • Enter the amounts and information as necessary.

After that, select “I want the taxable income to be considered in my tax rate” under Select taxation.

Note:  When requesting a tax card, you can include the pension from a payor outside Finland only in case you also receive pensions from Finland.

Stage 4: Other deductions

  • Report your deductions, if any. For example, if you want to file tax credit for household expenses, select “Yes” at “Tax credit for household expenses”.
  • If you have received wage income earlier this year, check or report any deductions concerning that income, such as commuting expenses, trade-union membership fees, unemployment fund contributions, and expenses for the production of income.

Stage 5: Delivery method

  • Check the tax card’s period of validity and delivery method.
  • MyTax suggests a date when the tax card will enter into effect. 

Select whether you want your tax card to be delivered

    • only electronically to MyTax
    • to MyTax and on paper by post.

Stage 6: Preview and send ‑ Your tax card is ready 

In the “Preview and send” stage, you can see the details on which your tax card is based, as well as your tax rate (also known as the withholding rate) indicated in the tax card.

  • Check that the information is correct. Click “Edit” or “Previous” to make corrections.
  • If you wish to continue filling in the details later, select “Save as unfinished”. Data saved as unfinished will be stored for a month. The Tax Administration will not process the information before you have submitted it.
  • Once all the details are correct, select “Submit”. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

If the tax card is processed by a tax official

If your tax card request is processed by a tax official, the processing time is 1 to 3 days.

If you have activated messages, you will receive a message once your tax card in ready. If you have not activated messages, you will receive your tax card by post. You can always find your tax card in MyTax, where you can save or print it

Page last updated 9/5/2024