About stakeholder testing


The purpose of stakeholder testing is to provide stakeholders with a testing environment in which they can test the functionality of technical APIs. The focus in the testing is thus on APIs: the stakeholders will test them in those respects which they will use when the APIs are in production. The testing allows stakeholders to ensure their technical ability to report and receive data.

Stakeholder testing is a way on ensuring that the APIs work correctly and as intended. When the functions are tested in advance, the introduction of the APIs and their operation while in production will be smoother and errors will be less likely to occur. Errors and change needs detected during the testing can be responded to in time.

When testing the APIs, stakeholders can also ensure that their own systems and processes work in the appropriate manner.

Testing schedule

Stakeholder testing covers both the sending of data and the requesting of credit register extracts. The testing is scheduled for 2 May 2023–31 January 2024, and it is divided into two parts.

· The first period between 2 May and 31 October 2023 is for testing the sending of data.

· The stakeholders using data will test the requesting of credit register extracts between 1 September 2023 and 31 January 2024.

However, it is recommended to continue testing even after these periods.

More detailed information about the testing and schedules is provided in the instructions on stakeholder testing, which will be published on the Positive credit register’s website in January 2023.

Stakeholder events about testing will be held for testers before and during the testing. The events will be held as Teams meetings. They give stakeholders an opportunity to ask about testing and discuss it with both the project representatives and other stakeholders.

The instructions on testing will be discussed in the stakeholder event in February 2023. The topics to be discussed include the instructions on testing the technical APIs and how to record the test observations. Example test cases will also be discussed. Stakeholders need to prepare relevant test cases for themselves about different situations of reporting and using data. When preparing the cases, they should also take into account change and error situations and their own processes.

Page last updated 11/7/2022